The JW religion is a very captivating cult and it's sad to see some get sucked in too far.
Enjoy what you can from her letters.
sad days for me.
i have been doing the above and came across various notes letters i had kept down the years.
there were some letters from my mother.. some i have kept others were from beginning to end all wt dogma.
The JW religion is a very captivating cult and it's sad to see some get sucked in too far.
Enjoy what you can from her letters.
what a horror.
instead of there being "more fish in the sea" our marriage mates came from the small and crapy witness pond.
anyone got burned by going with mr or mrs you will have to do?
Fortunately the Brother I was involved with made it clear what he expected from a good and dutiful wife so I was able to break it off before taking the big plunge. He didn't find another victim for 10 years after that.
just a few minutes till the start ..... we hope for a news from absalom and wifibandit very soon.. wifibandit, any tread on reddit for am?.
also there were some info about live stream.
any news about that..
It would have been much cheaper if they had just asked the Mormons for permission to use their version.
just a few minutes till the start ..... we hope for a news from absalom and wifibandit very soon.. wifibandit, any tread on reddit for am?.
also there were some info about live stream.
any news about that..
They've got a lot of work to do between now and 2017 with their chosen text being Ps. 37:3. Will they start trusting in the Lord and do what is good?
If so, we can expect many apologies, changes in doctrines, procedures and see the money they have been accumulating put to worthwhile causes and rehabilitation.
i may not have put this in the correct spot, but i do think it's scandalous the way time gets counted now.
i've seen a cart at the edge of our farmer's market, never anyone close enough to talk.
yesterday was a drizzly day and there were two carts set up, covered in plastic, "witnessing" on their own.
If it was a job it couldn't be considered a busy job, it could only be viewed as laid back.
yesterday my sister cut her foot on a piece of metal that was sticking out of my yard.
i've lived in my home for almost 8 years now, and well i'm guessing this thing must have worked it's way up to the surface or something, never seen this thing before.
i started to dig it up, and the thing just kept getting bigger and bigger.
Make sure your sister is up to date with her tetanus injection.
so, i was speaking with a relative recently, who is "in" the borg, but is completely aware of the terrible hypocrisy from the gb down.
he is not in the box, and its great to be able to have a realistic, and logical discussion about the current state of the org.. we started discussing, specifically, about that bunker video that was released in december.
how it is being played at all the conventions.
Tell us Lookout, what are the swat team about to do to the JWs and why wouldn't it be better for the JWs to disperse?
this notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Maybe they will have only one meeting a week, on any day. This time it would really be because of travel costs/time.
this is so bizarre to me..
His book is available online to purchase and it lists the publishers as himself and his first wife.
For Jackson to note that the Australian. Government printed it is boastful but he has also said that he turned down a scholarship when it is highly unlikely that he was ever offered one.
this is big!
according to what they say if i'm correct an investigation was done back in 1998 in concerning what american companies invested money in to germany.
mike and kim state that a document they have attained shows a list of american firms that had invested into germany as late as 1943. on this list is non other then watchtower !!
Thisismein1972 Would you say the same thing regarding John Cedars and the whole CoC debacle? We cannot have one rule for one, and one rule for another!
I believe this is realistically a personal attack on two individuals credibility and nothing more.
My intent is not to attack Mike & Kim, they do a tremendous job. They put so much effort into their work and more importantly, they have helped and continue to help so many people. I personally find them very endearing. They have so much enthusiasm.
Unfortunately, there are times when they provide misinformation. I don't for one minute, think this is on purpose, it's just a fallout from all the information they receive and wade through. What concerns me is that misinformation is being spread and that is not a good thing.
CrazyGuy is right in saying that these things are worth looking into. When these issues are 'out there', it is not a bad thing to discuss them.
Do you really think that I've attacked Kim and Mike? If so, could you please point out where I have done this so that I can personally reconsider how I phrase comments.