In the first century, Jesus' followers went from house to house, and they spoke to people in the marketplace, at wells, and anywhere people would be found. However, in those days there was no mail service, telephones, other words, that was the only method of communicating something that needed to be spread thru the community. The sending of "letters" is mentioned in the Bible; by Paul, and by various kings. These were handwritten notes, delivered by a messenger. In that era, if you and your family were inside your house, it would have been "normal" for a stranger to come to your door to talk to you.
However, in today's world, other forms of communication are used. No one else goes around knocking on strangers' doors, not even the government. The only time the government comes to your door uninvited is if they have a warrant; other than that they contact you via mail. So today, when people are in their house and strangers come knocking at their door, they know that is not normal social behavior. Most of us do not even go uninvited to our next door neighbor's home to borrow a tool without calling first.
I agree with Mr Falcon's statements, especially: "lame 30-second sales pitch."
"JWs giving their presentations to annoyed, bothered and busy householders trying to be polite. The presentations were AWFUL. And some of the worst presentations were given by men who are elders."
"What really is the effectiveness of the door-to-door ministry? Have you ever had to endure an horrifically awkward presentation given to a impatient and irritable householder? If JWs are actively enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and participate during the Service Meeting, why are most of them so bad at the door?"
They are so bad at the doors because their hearts are not in it. Their consciences are telling them they are doing something not normal and that they are bothering their neighbors and alienating them.