JoinedTopics Started by kenpodragon
Do Jehovah's Witnesses practice magic?
by kenpodragon indo jehovah's witnesses practice magic?.
i think this is a question most people will see and go, "what is he talking about?
" the thing is when scientist have studied cultures and seen how their shaman have practiced magic, they have found that in many ways the men have used forms of meditation and prayer that relate close to the christian prayer form.
How do you feel when this happens?
by kenpodragon ini was heading to work today and i ran across a man holding a bible, not a witness.
he tried to start preaching to me, but i was moving away and not responding.
he kept talking and asking questions.
When you left the JW's, did you remain a Christian
by kenpodragon inwhen you left the jw's, did you remain a christian?
the reason i ask, is that when i left the witnesses i explored all kinds of concept and religions and even attended a few churches.
i soon found that i was attracted to new age and pagan believes.
How you really know if you are in a cult.
by kenpodragon in1. you think the girl in the ankle length dress, neck high sweater, and long sleeve shirt is showing to much skin.. 2. you think it is smart to leave school early to spend your days not working for a living, but driving around handing out magazines.. 3. you think most disney movies are questionable for your kids to watch.. 4. you think smurfs are demons.. 5. you call kids "youths" all the time.. 6. you spent your families vacation at a district convention.. 7. you spent you first date, and last date with your spouse before marrying with a chaperon.
and you were both in your 30's and virgins.. 8. listening to barry manillow is considered rocking it.. 9. you once washed your childs mouth out with soap for saying "dang" or "darn".
10. your idea of family fun is playing bible trivia and reading the song book.. 11. if someone in your church once counseled you for wearing perfume.. 12. you consider a death in the family as a preaching opportunity.. 13. you think 7 billion people are wrong and 6 million are right.. 14. you base a good job on whether or not it works with your church schedule.. 15. if you are at this site and reading all these post and saying ... these are all lies.
Does anyone really care
by kenpodragon indoes anyone really care what active witnesses think of them?
i ask, because on many of the ex-witness boards i see a lot of mention of what people think others say behind their back.
personally, i hope the witnesses think i am the devil himself and fear me upon sight of me.
Memorial Alternatives
by Pierced Angel inwhat are you doing on thursday?.
are you going to be attending the kingdumb hall to please relatives or friends?.
have a virtual hug {{{{{{{{{{{{you}}}}}}}}}}}}}} if you are, we know it won't be easy.. i almost got pressured into it, but a good friend and i have decided to hit the clubs and go dancing (girls night out, yeah!)..
I never knew water had a flavor
by kenpodragon ini never knew water had a flavor.
it's a warm day and you are working hard to get some yard work done.
the temperature raises above 100 and the sun is over head and you mouth seems to have turned to death valley.
by kenpodragon inany fellow exjw's from oregon ... the beaver state ... ?
i left many years ago, but i know that when i did, oregon was the highest state in america for witnesses vs. the walking dead (worldly people who would fry at armageddon).
i don't see many of them now, but i figure they must also have the highest number of walk always, df'ed, and da'ed.
by kenpodragon ini have been on many other boards before and thought i would fly myself over here and see what you have to say.
always nice to find a site that tells the truth about the jehovah's witnesses.