When I said theres many forms of smacking, I was referring to the places on a kids body that can be smacked. Child abuse isn't smacking your kid in the face. I'm not talking about smacking or slaping the kid in the face over and over again, 1 time is enough. If that kid is mouthing off or sucking their teeth and getting smart, they probably will get a smack on the face, its called discipline. I'm not talking about slapping or smacking them so hard in the face that they flew over a table or they flew across the room, a soft smack.The bible talks about church as being a place of false religion, you know "Babylon the Great", I'm sure you've heard that before. Theres many kids who don't know what discipline is and thats why they are out of control. Beating a kid with an extension cord, a stick, a bat, a chain, burning them intentionally, locking them in a animals cage, not feeding them cause they made you mad, cursing them out like they are grown and stole something, beating them to the point where they have bruises on them or until they pass out, touching them in a sexual manner, doing sexual things to them, that's abuse. Your right, theres a difference between discipline and child abuse. If you look at the news at these different churches, the pasters, ministers and rabi's, that's all you do is see that in the news, molesting little boys. You never hear of that coming from a JW, if you do, tell me some facts and what Watchtower or Awake it came from.