I never did accept that teaching, along with other errors that are printed in the WT.
My view of salvation consists on what Jesus judges what is in your heart on that day of judgement.
just had a two hour conversation with my father.
he is insistent that he will be able to enter the kingdom of god as a member of the 'great crowd'.
he did agree that only the annointed are declared righteous.
I never did accept that teaching, along with other errors that are printed in the WT.
My view of salvation consists on what Jesus judges what is in your heart on that day of judgement.
just had a two hour conversation with my father.
he is insistent that he will be able to enter the kingdom of god as a member of the 'great crowd'.
he did agree that only the annointed are declared righteous.
Yes, well explain this one to me. We have an Anointed one in our congregation who is DF'd. He will be reinstated eventually. So is he declared righteous while in this state? He will be reintated, and then he will be partaking of the emblems again. But, those faithful other sheep have to wait 1,000 years to be declared righteous? What if we are wrong with the 1,000 years. What if it is a symbolic number? We were wrong on the length of a generation. Wrong on the length of a creative day.
wt publications http://www.a2z.org/wtarchive/archive.htm (old).
united nations http://www.randytv.com/secret/unitednations.htm.
newly baptized brothers (not sisters) because the wts needs men to reach out.
Why not recognize some of the dead wood that have been neglected thru the years. Great job, Blondie.
well, what do you think?.
I just got tatooed.....crap it says JW.Com.....What a lying weasel that guy was. Arrrgh
my elder friend told me that his kh is in need of upgrading their electronic system so that they can be ready for the big zone meeting in november and they need the flat screen televisions mounted to also enjoy all future special meetings put on by the branch.
the branch has given them the exact specifications and he mentioned the branch wants to use apple products.
they passed a resolution for a one time donation by the publishers to pay for the $6,000.00 system.
I've been ahead of the ORG for quite some time, now. I have had the internet, a 50 inch TV, and an Ipad before JW.ORG. They are catching up to me.
this isn't shameless advertising because right now it's free to download.. i have put together a brief basic training manual to help folk to learn skills for answering the phone or going to work in a call centre.
i have trained people in this in real life).. please download it while it's free for kindle.. thanks mr p the punk.
I always wanted to write a humour book, entitled, "Snappy answers from Call Centre Staff"
an ant's brain is very minuscule when compared to a chimpanzee, yet it is capable engineering!
(not to mention its ability to support 5,000 times their body weight before losing their heads.
The same place as uncles did.
suppose the following choice were offered you, and you had to choose one or the other.
which would you pick (and perhaps why):.
1) you can continue living your life as it is, die when you might, and that's that.. 2) you can instead agree to die in 1 year in exchange for this: you will be granted access to the entire past and future history of intelligent life in the universe.
Sorry, Simon. I would just close my door on you and tell you, "I'm not interested".
this is what i found at anointedjw.org.
i don't know if it's true.
on august 25, 2014, we received the following comment and inquiry: .
Tell me when a GB member resigns and then you have a good story.
If this rumour does become true, I hope that a new book gets released.
Does anyone know what the names are on the writing commitee?
the letter has appeared at last - just for uk.
it is a money grab for the new bethel which has been approved.
there is a video to be shown - just watched it - brief summary of uk bethels, why current one is too small, why we need money to build a new one.
Sorry, Canada would like to help out, but, we are already paying out $50 million to support your Queen.