Kindof like when I went to High School.
Fractions????? WTF is that?
how many times have you asked a jw who has attended a public talk how the talk was, only to be told it was so great!
yet they cannot remember the title nor any one single point except that the brother was "funny" or was good with illustratiions or some other vauge point?
and conventions weren't far off either.
Kindof like when I went to High School.
Fractions????? WTF is that?
is it me, or am i getting to become an old man.
i just can't figure out the music this year.
it's like i don't want to leave the easy listening hits of the 70's-80's.
Is it me, or am I getting to become an old man. I just can't figure out the music this year. It's like I don't want to leave the easy listening hits of the 70's-80's. Then the hits became thin.
Why didn't Anthony slam the music of this year. Surely it's gotta be worse than the socks, spanx, meterosexual wear.
the good news is:.
- studying the watchtower over breakfast.
- putting on a suit and tie.
Well, I don't have a Scooter, Zoos.
But I will be getting out of bed, going to a group. After the group arrangement, visiting this poor chap at the hospital who is dying.
After that depressing hour that can't be counted for FS ( but I don't care) I shall get a nice Starbucks, Bold coffee.
Then I will visit some RV's that are not home, again.
I think your good news is much more fun
footage has emerged of an new york city police officer striking an alleged fare-evader's head with a baton, sending the man stumbling and spraying bystanders with his blood.. the video shows the officer approach 20-year-old donovan lawson at bushwick train station in brooklyn yesterday shortly before 8pm.. graphic warning: viewers may find the contents of this video shocking.
lawson was sitting on a wooden bench and holding his hands up when the unnamed officer started throwing punches.. witness michelle anas was on her way home from work when she stumbled across the scene.. she said she went to call 911 just as the officer pulled out his truncheon and cracked lawson over the head, sending him reeling across the platform as blood poured from his skull.. "it was one of the most awful things i've ever seen," witness michelle anas told new york daily news.
In Toronto, Canada, people who use the street cars are having sex. Possibly, they are doing it because of the high price of hotel rooms. The news featured a story of this happening just last week. I don't know the details about it. I'm not sure if they were busted for not paying their fare and had to pay with their body's.
well, then, if it was so cold, what was i doing there?
i was on a field trip with a bunch of 8th graders.
i volunteered to chaperone and i was in charge of seven 13 year old boys who demanded to see the white house since the bus dropped us off on the national mall and we had 2 hours to look at the war memorials before we had to be back on the bus.
I surprised that their was only one publisher with two displays. According to the Service Meeting part this week, only should be with one Mobile Display.
if almost every song, every radio host, every actor is influenced by satan it should be forbidden for every jw to listen to radio and look at tv, right?!
or have i missed something?.
Jesus did say. "Tell a vision to nobody."
there was this guy that sat at the back of our kh for about 10 years.
he must of studied with so many desparate pioneers but nothing happened.
he just couldn't break his smoking habit.
When he told the Elders he was baptised as a Mormon, he thought that they would be proud of him, and offer him praise.
there was this guy that sat at the back of our kh for about 10 years.
he must of studied with so many desparate pioneers but nothing happened.
he just couldn't break his smoking habit.
There was this guy that sat at the back of our KH for about 10 years. He must of studied with so many desparate pioneers but nothing happened. He just couldn't break his smoking habit. Then. we didn't see him for three months. So, two Elders went to see him and to assess. We found out that the Mormons got him.. He was studied, and in 6 weeks got baptised with them. Man, the LDS are fast movers. But, the guy still smokes. He did give me strange vibes. I'm glad he became mormon. Those feelings may make me blood guilty
most jw's have been told that taking a fellow jw to court is wrong.. the shepherd book uses wts speak: "if an individual ignores god's word on this matter, it may affect his congregation privileges.
" (italics theirs.).
the following are from an interesting case in canada ( link ):.
I remember that the Elders manual did say that you could sue your brother through an Insurance claim. Sueing for another matter such as contract breaching was always a punitive matter. I'm aware of some being swindled out of their life savings. Employees stealing from their JW employers. Tenants violating their leaase arrangements from JW Landlords. All couldn't legally sue one another due to maintaining congregation responsibilities. They were stuck, just like a person who is stuck to stay married to an abuser. But, if they did sue they were not DF'd.
who is the assyrian?.
the article entitled seven shepherds, eight dukesawhat they mean for us today in the watchtower of the 15th november 2013 contained this important warning in paragraph 16: ain the near future, jehovahas apparently vulnerable people will come under attack from the modern-day aassyrian,a whose intent will be to wipe them out.a it goes on to say: awhat asecret weapona does micahas prophecy indicate jehovah would raise up against that implacable foeaathe assyriana?
a very unlikely oneaaseven shepherds, yes, eight dukesa!
Very good Sappy