What is so difficult for me to understand is how anyone can think a book.... initially written by man in a forgotten language copied over and over and over and over and over and over and over again..... can have any credibility with people describing thoughts that were written 2000 years ago. If the bible was only a second edition reprint, maybe... maybe some of the original concepts would have survived.
Booker.... If you make a judgement on "god" by implying that he is not all loving if he allows hellfire or whatever doctrine you are looking at, then how can I not judge "god" by how he can hold anyone accountable for beliefs or concepts that have been passed down by litterally making copies of copies of copies of copies of copies? We really have no clue what the "bible" says..... or more appropriately what the bible said.
Maybe god really does hate fags or he really does want to burn people forever but if their really is a god I cannot think of a worse way to relay what he wants us all to do than by giving it to some female hating arabs over 2000 years ago, allowing the original to be misplaced and then have a bunch of control freak, power hungry morons copying its copies ad nauseum until our present day.