The war of ideas is a dangerous, messy, bloody and glorious process!
Fuck the "ruling class" and all who want it. Go for it Oprah!
Allah bless America !
Shabbat shalom
i hope hollywood helps make her the democratic nominee.
she sounds like she’s testing out the waters.
good luck ms. winfrey.
The war of ideas is a dangerous, messy, bloody and glorious process!
Fuck the "ruling class" and all who want it. Go for it Oprah!
Allah bless America !
Shabbat shalom
my grandfather is a longtime jw with advanced parkinson's.
on the advice of a good friend mine who is inactive but not "out" i went to visit him monday and we talked for awhile.
his health isn't well, but he was happy to see me.
I am in the plus one category doing what your grandfather asked. Is your family going to rise to the level of physically guarding you from seeing him?
Fuck them. You have a right to see him just as much as they do. Part of the reason why dubs continue to be able to guilt family members into doing what they want is because we as ex dubs ALLOW THEM TO GUILT US. Stop that shit dead in its tracks.
Make your family call the police because you are there to play chess with your grandfather. Ball is in their court.
edit.... amen flipper!
... because she'd stepped into some newly laid concrete.. i said to her, "don't be too hard on yourself.
Why dont you ever see elephants hiding in trees?
Because they are so good at it!!
i saw an article in the news yesterday that laws are going to be passed subjecting the police to being recorded by anyone while performing their duty or enforcing the law and encourages citizens to sue if they interfere.
some law enforcement agents become angry and confiscate recording devices from people recording them while making an arrest, etc.. it does seem that the work that the police and other government agents do is public and not private or confidential so there should be nothing to hide from the cameras.
on the other hand, how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?.
Here in the sconnie nation, city of madison, about two years ago a 18 or 19 year old was being less then cooperative and and got taken to the ground pretty hard and punched a couple of times. Deservedly so in my opinion but I was surprised how nonchalant the officers were about the people recording the episode on cameras. Even saying something to the effect of "you can record but please move out of the way"
The problem with watching videos after the fact is you cannot get the full sense of what is happening in the moment. Its easy to replay and second guess after the fact.
I am of the opinion that the public should be able to record so Ill give you a plus one
a little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
Please reread your last couple sentences over and over again. They have almost complete control over you because you are too scared to do anything! I am not judging you, I have been in your shoes. Take the time that you need to take.
Please know this.... When you DA, you are making a clean, purposeful break. You are in no uncertain terms advising them that they have no control of you whatsoever and you do not wish to be associated with them.
You can sit in your house and be afraid. Cross the street when a jw walks by or look at the ground when you see one in the store but what kind of life is that??? I know its difficult but the feeling of taking back your power, pride and dignity is something that does not happen often in life. It is LIFE-CHANGING!!
Good luck and godspeed.
a little advice please.. it's now 7 months since i stopped going to meetings.
we still get regular calls by elders - at least every 2 weeks.
i can handle them.
If you intend to fade just realize that you cannot help her.
If you intend to take back your life and live how you want to live then tell it to her straight.
Maybe your brick could be the first brick she sees taken out of the cult wall.
this is my first post on here so i apologize that it is like an essay!.
my husband and i are currently 'fading out' of the truth.
we stopped preaching in may 2016 and limited meeting attendance in january 2017 and stopped completely in june 2017. my main reason for this was my whole life i have been doing things to please others, even getting baptized to please my mum.
dreary... i fully agree. It is something we do not want to believe until we start to take control and responsibility for our actions.
Fading is conforming to the jdub lifestyle whether you want to admit it or not. Living on your knees is horrible. Coming to the realization that you were living on your knees voluntarily is a bitter pill to swallow.
I went through a short fade period but realized that if I wanted my children fully out of this church I could not fade. Any relationship I lost is nothing compared to the moral high ground I gained with my children when I teach them to speak their mind and to stand up for themselves. No shrinking to the next isle when I see dubs in the store, crossing the street when I see them approaching or hiding a christmas tree in my own effing house!!
this is my first post on here so i apologize that it is like an essay!.
my husband and i are currently 'fading out' of the truth.
we stopped preaching in may 2016 and limited meeting attendance in january 2017 and stopped completely in june 2017. my main reason for this was my whole life i have been doing things to please others, even getting baptized to please my mum.
So you and your husband are both awake. You are looking to get your kids more involved in the real life. You have lived your entire life for other people and now you are fading.
There is no reason to fade if both of you are awake. If you are fading so that you can continue to be in family/friends good graces then you are not tired of living your life for other people because that is exactly what fading does. It forces you to continue living like they want you to live.
Your awake, your husband is awake. Here is a great lesson for your kids.... We get to control who is and who is not in our lives. People who would choose to shun us because we do not believe the exact same thing about everything are not people we choose to have in our lives.
The loss of your best best friend, your mother or other close family member is worth the cost of teaching your children that lesson alone.
Its awesome that you are choosing to explore other beliefs. When you put up a christmas tree and hide it in the back room though, you are teaching your children to be ashamed of what you believe in. Fuck that!
disclaimer: i do not approve or condone any acts of violence that result in the deaths of innocent persons.. alright.. let me just say that i have no idea what motivated the latest mass shooting, nor do i condone those actions.
i am, however, beginning to understand why some individuals may feel that violence is their only choice, although i do not approve of that choice.. when i read topics on this forum that concern religion and legalism, topics that drone on and on, getting nowhere, i feel extremely frustrated.
yes, religions are given certain freedoms, but many are obviously going beyond the spirit that motivated the separation of church and state.
The bottom line is religion is freedom of thought. The most effective way to combat religious thought is to get it in the open and argue with it.
I agree that many countless minds were stomped out over the years by religion and many families have been destroyed by religion. The alternative however is giving the power of free thought over to a government.
Destroyed families and stomped out minds are worth it
my question is can you as a jw live on same premises as a non jw.... in split house/property with no sexual relations or anything involved... i am being forced to move due to a "sister" wanting to go back to her god and has made the point of saying she cannot have a male around.
even though the property itself is split with seperate access for both parts of the house.. she has put a blanket rule out saying the whole property itself... doesnt make sense to me nor to any of the elders i have spoken to regarding the matter.. yes i called them as i know next to nothing about the faith.. .
i find it strange that two elders urge a non jw to seek justice from fair trading and rental tribunal as they themselves do not belive the actions of the "sister" in question or her family to be correct or right... .
How are you being forced? Dont you have a lease?
Is that gal just saying... You need to move out?... thats not really forcing you to move.