Yes, what elderelite mentions here is a good point. If I am asked about my religious status by other than witnesses I tell them that I am not religious person.
the question is directed at those members who still attend the meetings--to whatever extent--to make life easier.
those who perhaps still associate to keep the peace in their family.etc.-----but dont believe it any more.. what do you call yourself--a jehovah's wtness?
what religion (if any) do you write in that box if a form asks you?.
Yes, what elderelite mentions here is a good point. If I am asked about my religious status by other than witnesses I tell them that I am not religious person.
the question is directed at those members who still attend the meetings--to whatever extent--to make life easier.
those who perhaps still associate to keep the peace in their family.etc.-----but dont believe it any more.. what do you call yourself--a jehovah's wtness?
what religion (if any) do you write in that box if a form asks you?.
In my opinion central part of being true witness is the witnessing part. Even though in official registry it states Jehovas witness, I don't feel that way as I do not participate in witnessing. Closest I could describe me in my current situation is marked but unbanned witness hangaround.
Or set compatibility mode on for this site in IE9.
My guess is that you are trying to tell this youngest ever pioneer is called André
this is a question i always wondered about and never got an answer to.. its also another reason why i'm finding it harder to believe in an 'afterlife'.. th idea that humans can live forever, now seems so scientificly impossible.. so i wanted to ask all the great minds on here,.
if someone's spouse dies, and then they remarry,then armageddon comes and goes then the deceased is resurrected,.
how,is that ever gonna work?
According to my understanding angels were able to desire sexual relation to women, even marry them. Wasn't that the reason why there are demons in first place. If they have that capability how can resurrected people without desire to marry be describes as angel like. I at least see a paradoxe here.
this is a question i always wondered about and never got an answer to.. its also another reason why i'm finding it harder to believe in an 'afterlife'.. th idea that humans can live forever, now seems so scientificly impossible.. so i wanted to ask all the great minds on here,.
if someone's spouse dies, and then they remarry,then armageddon comes and goes then the deceased is resurrected,.
how,is that ever gonna work?
Those who are resurrected do not feel any need for intimacy, all the bad things are forgotten. So there will really be no issue. Only those who came through A will have that kind of feelings and their children will also inherit it. Kind of two classes.
anybody have any information on what that's all about (b.c) ?
In developped countries they could arrange these easily based on local attendance with modern technology, but ofcourse you would not feel the closeness to mighty ones and the gates of the gratitude might not open in equal level. Of course there are also costs involved when arranging this kind of couple of hours events.
i just heard this within the last day.. i had no clue that the society had a travel agancy within its offices!.
anyhoo, in the area i live they called numerous hotels for deals for the convention and the gm whom i know through friends told me that they play hardball in getting the maximum commission possible for refering people.
he said the average is about 10 to 15 percent of the room cost.
Even though the arrangement would be based on direct booking and direct payment with listed hotel, the hotel needs to pay comission, sales incentive, whatever you want to call it, to organizing party, just to get to the list. Part of the agreed comissions can be collected in form of free rooms or other services in hotel.
That above described method of using central booking source for bookings, pre-charging the rooms and actually having lower net-net price level with the hotel is regular method used by many hotel aggregators.
All these are very common practises in business when we are talking about conference hotel booking arrangements or allotment based hotel room procurement.
introduction: this subject came up on another thread and seemed important enough to justify its own thread:.
judicial hearing procedure, chapter 7. recording devices.
"recording devices should not be allowed.
I have no clue how they actually could refer to confidentiality, who is protected by this confidentiality? It is you who is interviewed there not them, it's about your confidential issues, not theirs, just an assumption. If you choose to spread the recording containing your confidential sins, you may do it, it's not their business at all.
I know, I know, they don't see it that way, but it's very illogical.
i just heard this within the last day.. i had no clue that the society had a travel agancy within its offices!.
anyhoo, in the area i live they called numerous hotels for deals for the convention and the gm whom i know through friends told me that they play hardball in getting the maximum commission possible for refering people.
he said the average is about 10 to 15 percent of the room cost.
There is actually no news here. Any decent conference arranger would just do this very same.
well it's that time of year again and the invitations to another pointless memorial aka reject jesus party is now in full swing.
even though it's only the first day i'm already more than sick of it!
this is the first year i am fully mentally awake for the memorial season, and honestly i'm so sick of it all!
Just got mine, must read what they say, but not really now, later.