What was you thinking?
on the inside of my arm.
first one in probably 7+ years.
i forgot what it felt like and how sensitive the armpit is..
What was you thinking?
now that we are all thinking about jw memorial - i was just remembering all the silly superstitions the jws have put around this - their only holiday.
as far as i can tell, none of these are actually biblical:.
1) - it must be held only once per year.. 2) - it must be held on "nisan 14".. 3) - it must be held after sundown.. 4) - the bread must be unleavened.. 5) - the wine must be plain (not fortified) red wine.
We didn't had the mandatory touching part, for short rows plate/glass servant could just reach with plate in front of attendants and they could then nod to show that they have been given the possibility. same for the last cart row and even with the speaker/servant up and down ceremony. The plate and glass was just put in front of you and the correct reaction was not to touch it but nod in kind of an acceptance/recognition.
So there is local variation obviously here.
One interesting detail, the wine used here in most of the memorial locations is the very same wine our main church is using for their communions. It is clearly stated in speech that the wine is commercially produced.
i just found out that a husband of an old friend committed a suicide and i was wondering if there are any letters to elders or any wts rules concerning funerals for those who committed suicide.
i've looked in the elders book and letters to boe index and didn't find anything.
some posts here say they can have the funeral at the kh and some here said they couldn't hold it there because suicide was involved.
I remember one case from my childhood, the attitude towards suicide was harder then that it seems to be today. It was mother to one mentally instabile child that took her own life. The child was already at that time taken in custody by authority and was placed in one children's home. She was not allowed to see her child. That was the last straw that broke camel's back obviously. She and the child were always looked down in congregation, the child behaved weirdly yes and was little rough, but was very amicable and tried hard to be allowed to play with us other "normal" kids. It was not really encouraged though.
I remember still the things people were talking, she had rejected the truth by killing her self, what a pitty that her child would not be able to see her in paradise as she did what she did. It was quite clear that common understanding about her was that she maid unforgivable sin and would not be resurrected. There was nothing else in KH as the announcement that she had passed away, funeral was arranged in the graveyard chapel.
well, i guess this is it.
i received a pm from a non-moderator (who will remain nameless) this afternoon telling me i've been banned.
i didn't even know a non-mod could ban a poster from the forum but i read it for myself:.
Maybe he ment banned in the Catholic way?
has anyone ever had that dreaded "meeting day" feeling where you know you are going to waste two hours or more of your life - not to mention on the weekends where you can't go away for a whole day somewhere because you have fs on saturday, then a meeting on sunday?
or when you know you have to catch up on work etc but you know that with weekly fs pressures plus the meeting you have lost six hours before the weekend has even started?.
Very nice stories thank's for those. As I never reached out for any assignments I cannot feel your pain. I pioneered for a while, was external helper on Bethel rebuild, active in KH building, but all that was activities outside the meetings. In meetings I made my teochratic school assignments mostly as requested (thankfully last years it was just the bible reading part, you could do it blindfolded and without any rehearsal), but that was more or less my activity, rest of the time I just attended. But be certain that if there was any valid activity that would collide with meeting I chose the activity outside the meeting. But it was based on assesment is this really more important than meeting. In many cases it was. One time I was even caught for TV on meeting night, spot that was shown later on evening news. One dear brother teased me about it for years, I just said I had to be there.
i don't post in discussion forums very much.. i joined this one a week or two ago, don't remember exactly.. tried to start a few threads to have real discussions.. but, instead of having real discussions, idiots just came in and posted childish nonsense.. so, i'm out..
16 days ago, to be exact.
watchtower bethel application from 2004. questions asked tell their own story.
today i posted onto my blog the watchtower bethel application from 2004, available at: http://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2011/03/watchtower-bethel-application-from-2004.html .
marvin shilmer.
Hmm, I just love different forms. I couldn't avoid seeing some stuff.
"Your filling in this application is evidence of your willingness to abide by all the rules of Bethel"- In those meetings at assemblies, do they really go through the Bethel rules or give them the dwelling book that each and everyone knows what rules they hereby promise to follow? This is emphasized even more in the signature section of the document.
There is no category for "have you ever been elder or MS"- do this actually mean that those who for any reason have stepped down as elder/MS are not eligible for Bethel assignment?
This question was little dull, "Sex: male female"- we could spice it up a bit, "Sex: Yes, please No thank you"
In other inquiries/surveys I've filled (they are many, it's like my hobby) I have never seen category "pursuing a courtship"
"Repeat the date of your baptism"- like it would change while filling these lines. Is this kind of test, if you put same date in both boxes, you pass?
"Are you of the anointed or other sheep? Which?"- Honestly what would I be in JW hierarchy if I wouldn't be either or?
"Describe any PRESENT EFFECTS of this drug experience you NOW have:"- Well the drug experience I'm having now, at this very moment, makes me high, would that be correct answer?
What comes to foreign languages, only spoken language is something that should be on fluent level. In writing that is not required. It is interesting as major part of the work is in writing and publishing. Well I cannot speak italian, but I can write Ciao, so the answer is Italian.
"Are you strong and able to do hard work for long hours"- Got you
i knew this was going to happen ... i was at a gathering the other night and sure enough!
number reinstated - 0.33%.
All that matter for them in this context is the amount to be rescued, not the amount that will die because of Armageddon. For sure even with low-level growth the absolute amount of JW to go through this will be higher tomorrow than today. And please do not forget that those dying in thruth during these last days are considered to become rescued too. So in absolute rescue figures, in its weird paradoxal way, we could consider that statement to be accurate actually.
But from whole humanity point of view it is opposite effect, unless God would gracefully let those then living people that really have not heard the news to be rescued aswell. Who could interpret God's ways. In that case the whole statement would actually become true as daily more and more people in relation must actually sort under the group "Never heard".
transcript for the talk "trust the faithful and discreet slave" talk given at the kingdom ministry schools:.
trust the faithful and discreet slave.
have we ever had to meet up with somebody with whom we've not seen before?
Thank you for the transscript.
All this reasoning collapses if the initial choosing of the FDS did not happen as stated here. I would have used much more time to really nail that. Now it says "Well we know", "according to the Watchtower", "So, of course, we know", "Well, we know", "Was there anybody else who fit that description? No.".
I don't say I disagree with what is stated there, but basing the reasoning to that kind of blanket hear-say kind of statements makes it in my humble opinion impossible to lead the discussion to next level. "Now, for us, identifying and trusting in this slave are necessary to know Jehovah and to do Jehovah's will, to serve him properly." Couldn't agree more, but sofar it was not identified in proven way. Unless there was a speech prior to that making this identification work in detail, I would say the rest of the speech is based on assumption only. Maybe right assumption, but equally it is possible it's wrong, this is kind of black and white situation. You cannot be kind of FDS.
for those who were in or still are.. when do/did you begin counting time?
as you left for the house group, or after the meeting was over?
did you count the car trip to and from?
Interesting theme indeed. In general I started counting time from the first call, until the last call.
In my wild and carefree youthful years as pioneer a lived in district that was quite big geographically, even it was kind of city/metropolitan area. I could start with one RV in city center and then as I was cheap took the bus with my year card to northern part of the city to another RV. Busride would take some 45-60 minutes, and taking train with just 30 minutes was not a option for me even the year card would have worked there too. Obviously next RV would be in eastern part of the city, bus ride there would take some 70 minutes as there was need to switch the bus. You guessed it right, next RV in western part of the city and the ride would take some 80 minutes. If I was in righteous mood, I could then do some door-to-door activity there to call the day. Counting time whole the time ofcourse. Short coffee breaks was not deducted, but full-scale lunches would be.
The good thing with all this was that me and my current wife could really learn to know eachother even be slightly affectioned, riding bus and counting time.