- What have been the biggest problems you have faced regarding your relationship and the impact the JW beliefs have had on you?
None really, we were both in crossways when all this happened, she decided to stay, I decided to explore my own path. Technically I am not DF/DA but I gave the elders all the weapons if they would like to use it. I still think I should first and most make decision based on moral principles, which I do not find that bad at all.
- How has the JW spouse reacted towards you?
It was clear that we could not continue to conversate over religious matters, which is fine for me. Every now and then she gets sad because we will not spend all eternity together. I try to convince her that I make my very best to nurture happy relation in this life.
- Have the elders interfered with your relationship?
As far as I know they haven't
- Has your decision to leave the JWs resulted in divorce or separation?
- And if you had children together what has been the effect on them?
We spend more time together than earlier. They follow their mother to meetings and assemblies, but clearly can not be counted as active witnesses. But I doubt this would be different if I would have continued to attend as infrequent I did.
- What would you want therapists to know about your situation?
I've told all of this very openly to my therapist. What I would like them to understand is that personal issues cannot be fully credited to being part of JW religion. There are lots of good things there too and even many happy memories. It is not as black and white as they seem to like to understand.
- Any other thoughts?