This means we need to be especially more welcoming to newcomers as they see the light.
JoinedPosts by trillaz
NEW BOE LETTER - It just got exponentially harder to "fade"
by sir82 inhere is the text of the letter:.
february 2, 2014. .
your brothers,.
Like the pose. Big pimpin!!
No mention of Satan in 5 church attendances!!!
by quellycatface infollowing on from jgnat's post, if that's okay.why do i not hear of satan in normal churches?
?it's really refreshing not to be scared anymore..
When priests cast demons out during exorcisms, who are they casting out?
Jehovah is the correct uttering of God's name
by mistified ini heard my witness friend that if the name jehovah is the incorrect pronounciation from the hebrew scriptures, then jeremiah is the incorrect way to say jeremiah's name.
i wonder if this is true, because if it is, that would make jws the true religion.
I like Terry's example of Elvis Presly and is in line with what I have come to be satisfied with.
I've imagined a conversation between God and Moses. In my English mind, I think of Moses in the same manner I think of your run-of-the mill, old-aged prospector during the gold rush.
It goes something like this:
YHWH: Moses, you should know that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob didn't know my real name.
Mosheh: Really? What is is LORD?
YHWH: Jehovah
Mosheh: What's that you say? I can't hear so good (Moses was not a fluent speaker of his language and meant "well")
YHWH: I said Jehovah
Mosheh: I thought you said that! I can't speak that, that Godly language is not able to be written down with The Alphabet
YHWH: But I'm telling you...
Mosheh: I ain't gone do any good. No sir. Now I might be able to twist and speak in your other toungue and I'm not even learn-ed.
Mosheh: You know what would happen if I told them down there that your real name is something they can't pronounce?
YHWH: I see what you mean
Mosheh: So I'm going to write it down like this here, see? It's close to what it sounds like.
YHWH: Ok, that is close. But you really should try and incorporate other sounds into Your Alphabet Moses
Mosheh: Sure thing!. What is that langueage that has the J sound anyway?
YHWH: My favorite, English. I am going away now Moes, you take care to do my commands now! I'm having Dessert. Jello
Mosheh: Yello?
No, since a flood in one city or multiple ones at a time is not destroying the earth.
Do videos buffer well on your Apple?
by compound complex ini did some research and one website acknowledges that windows provides superior buffering of videos compared to that of apple computers.
since i own both type computers, i have experienced this.
even newer and, might i add, very expensive apple computers buffer videos poorly, so i have read.
It could also be videos that were made in silverlight that were made for Windows PCs.
NKTV shows Dennis Rodman and Kim Jong-eun and Dennis's Badass Vodka
by fulltimestudent inin the video clip dennis meets kim jong-eun shows him a display of his vodka and introduces the two teams at the basketball match.. its unclear in the video whether rodman is offering a gift to jong-eun or is selling his vodka to nk.
if he's selling it - its a violation of us.
What a great looking respectable crowd they have over there. Very unlike the behavior you see in the stands at an NBA game. I'd bet no one over there was drunk and obnoxious and no flying cups!
New World Translation 2013 on EBay
by startingover inthere are several of the new bibles on ebay, but here you can buy the whole box of 32. i don't know if this link will show the original listing, you may have to click on that to see the description.
i wonder where these came from, the description seems a bit strange..
An enterprising philanthropist would buy these at %1000 of the cost, increasing demand for the new bibles. The R&F shoudld hear about it, and keep ordering more Bibles through Lit counter so they can sell "free" bibles on ebay for $180 a piece. Once the buyer has about 7million of so, he should reveal himself to all the sellers as Satan himself, and tell all that they made a deal with him and they should look forward to their 2nd Death.
JW Prayer vs. Christian Prayer
by Faithful Witness inwe studied for a few years with the jw's.
the public prayers were often an endurance test, while holding exhausted babies.
to be honest, i have forgotten the jist of most of their prayers.
Bless you
Do You Own A Firearm? Would You??
by minimus in2013 was a record breaking year for firearm purchases.
2014 is supposed to be a record breaker for ammunition.. do you own a firearm?
but i support that right for others---if they are qualified..
david_10 , thanks for your candor and not owning a gun!
I feel the same way about myself. If I had a gun for every time I wanted to confiront someone, there would be lots of wounded or dead people, or I would be wounded, dead or in prison and would not have cared about those consequences. So can I control this now under the guise of protection? What if I really want to shoot someone just to see what happens? I'd probalby increase my liklihood if I got CCW.I hear of many excuses I can use to shoot someone and there was an old saying "Dead man tell no tales"
However, How many who are qualified don't consider so much and still get guns? I'm betting many.