Sorry,will start again,For me it was when an awake or tower, cant remember now,came out saying that it would be wrong and un christian to use a weapon to defend your self from an attaker. I keep several firearms including hand guns,and have taken a lot of flak from elders who are antigun. I decided to write a letter to the hq. and tell them [respectfully]that the scripture did not agree [imho] that christ said that he who has no sword should sell his outter garment and purchase one. that the apostales had 2 the night befor he was taken ect. I was so afraid because i knew that thay would wright a letter to me trashing me and my line of thought, making me look so stupid as thay in my mind were so supiror to me. the letter i got back was the most febile picece of pablem i have ever read. this emboldened me to write more and question harder. then in 95 the artical in the tower that the generation had been changed [and that it was not changed, just the rank and file were to stupid to understand and our glorious leaders would set us straight.] that was no straw it was a steel I beam. one that the camel could have never suported. and then along came the internet with people like randy waters and ray franz and many others who we can stand on thair shoulders and see farther than we ever could on our own. what i saw was the power that the dubs and the elders co's do's and what ever's have over me was the power I me gave them. I pulled back the curtian and saw the silly old man. was not afraid , I just felt foolish for letting him bull shi% me for so long. I became bitter and still am some. but the road to wellsvill is long and diffrent for each individual. but I will get there one way or another in spite of thair treating me as a leper, its all thay know. I feel sorry for them thay are so lost and do not even know it. kind of like hansel and greatel who think thay have just found a ginger bread house in the woods and dont know about the pot boiling in the back with thair names on it. part of me wants to see them boil and the other part wants to scream out like you do at a movie the help the hero who does not see the villian, but just like at the movie you can do nothing. it is not up to us. the old saying thair are none so blind as those who will not see.
healing in vanderbiult michingan walter hook