I also understand. Body used to asign me to any major service meet blood part. Reason being the friends knew that I personally had to make a stand on blood issue. When part came out about fractions and conscience matter the body discussed who should do it. ME. That was the first part I refused to do. One bethelite kept stressing that just because it is a conscience matter it doesn't mean any decision you make is right with Jeh. So my reply was if this way or that way was wrong why can't the FS say so? They tell us right and wrong about everything else. At the time I did not realize it was all legal manuevers. Anyhow none of it felt right to me and I didn't do the part. Soon after my wife screwed up real bad, I told the body I was stepping down. They FOUGHT with me not to. I told them I no longer had freedom of speech in veiw of my wife's actions. They said that was all on her, but as the head of my house I did not agree. I stepped down, and knew I would never serve again, as questions were beginning to bother me too much. So, all I can say Franklin, do what feels right in your heart, be honest with yourself, tell the body you are under a great deal of stress (true) and you are taking a break from talks. (No details, it's not their business until you want it to be). Let them deal with it.