12 THE WATCHTOWER ? MAY 15, 2011
5 What good results there can be when
children are trained to keep a simple eye!
Consider the example of a teenage girl in the
country of Ethiopia. She did so well in her
schoolwork that upon completing her basic
education, she was offered a scholarship for
further education. Having her eye focused
on serving Jehovah, however, she turned
down the scholarship. Soon thereafter, she
received a job offer that would pay her 3,000
euros a month-a high amount in comparison
with the average wages in her country.
But the girl's "eye" was set on pioneer service.
She did not need to consult her parents
to turn down the job. How did her parents
feel on learning what their daughter had
done? Why, they rejoiced with her and told
her howproud they were of her!