A widowed bethel sister went to the funeral of a disfellowshipped ex husband of a sister in the hall. I was already not attending anymore, but I know because it was covered by local TV news and I actually saw that sister and other dubs at the funeral on TV. Surprised the hell out of me! Was not any kind of an issue as far as I know. The reason why TV covered it is because that deceased ex-brother was brutally murdered. Conscience matter---do what you want
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Disfellowshipping Offense
by Had To Go inso i went to my sister's wedding this past sunday, which happened to be smack dab in the middle of a church service.
my all faithful husband told me it was a dfing offense and that he was obligated to tell the elders that i was going to a church.
i really could care less about the actual act of being df it is the fact that my husband felt the need to "turn me in".
The King of the North and the King of the South. What gives?
by dgp inif i understood correctly, one of the ideas advanced as proof of jehovah's witnesses beliefs is that of the kings of the north and the south.
i didn't understand much of it, to a large extent because i think it's nonsense, but something else i did find curious.. the king of the north was the soviet union, and the king of the south were the united states.
i am not sure the soviet union is "north" of the united states in any sense (think of alaska), but, that aside, what kind of theological distress resulted when the king of the north crumbled to pieces?
Thanks for reply Leo. I get what your saying.
The King of the North and the King of the South. What gives?
by dgp inif i understood correctly, one of the ideas advanced as proof of jehovah's witnesses beliefs is that of the kings of the north and the south.
i didn't understand much of it, to a large extent because i think it's nonsense, but something else i did find curious.. the king of the north was the soviet union, and the king of the south were the united states.
i am not sure the soviet union is "north" of the united states in any sense (think of alaska), but, that aside, what kind of theological distress resulted when the king of the north crumbled to pieces?
Leolaia, it's been years since I read any Wat info on the two kings. What you wrote was sure interesting. In the Society's explanation wasn't it Jeh's earthly org. that assumes the role of Judea? It was the king of the n or s (no longer a geographical description) determined by how they treated Jeh's org. not determined by their role in world events? Anyway, lots of interesting thoughts on JWN!
Did we sign our cosmic death certificates when we put a hole in the ozone layer?
by sabastious ini think about the hole in the ozone layer sometimes and it freaks me out.
does anyone have any words of encouragement on this matter?
i'll see if i can find some too.. -sab.
A lot of what caused the ozone hole is speculative theory. What is going on that high in the atmosphere cannot even be duplicated in lab to be put to the test. Clorine was suppose to be the main culprit in cloroflorocarbons, especially refrigerant 12 and 11, but when Mt. St. Helens blew, it put more clorine into the upper atmosphere than all of the refrigerants ever produced (since the early 1930's). This topic could be debated and probably will be for a long time.
new construction
by pontoon inanyone been by wat farm and seen all the new construction going on?
not sure what it all is for, been out of touch, but one building i know is going to be a gym and recreation center.
i think the price tag on that was $3,000,000..
Anyone been by Wat Farm and seen all the new construction going on? Not sure what it all is for, been out of touch, but one building I know is going to be a gym and recreation center. I think the price tag on that was $3,000,000.
Does this negate creation?
by chukky 594 inas we all have an immune system, we must have inherited this from previous generations.
therefore, adam and eve must have had an immune system if we were created.
if that is the case, why?
The first and foremost job of our body's immune system is to protect us from our OWN body's waste products. If we suddenly were without immune system we would probably be dead within 24 hrs. from our OWN E-coil. Adam and Eve would have had perfect immune systems. Germs and bacteria are part of normal life.
How I Know The Assembly Parts Are Made Up
by lovelylil inwe had a co looking for a certain experience for an assembly part coming up and the elders in my hall at the time sent him to see me, since i usually had good experiences out in field service.. anyway, after speaking with the co, i was sorry to inform him that i did not have an experience that suited the type he needed.
he told me that was o.k.
because he could use me anyway for another part.
A brother wanted me to tell my "no blood but Jeh saved me anyway" story at a DC. I wouldn't do it. I said how will ones who lost loved ones feel if I say Jeh saved me (but not them). Don't they realize or care how discouraging those experiences can be? I told him there are no modern day personal miracles, it was a skillful surgeon that saved me. That brother was never as friendly with me after that. Anyway, a sister did that interveiw with him, and I swear it was my story with a few details changed, I guess to fool me.
Content is King- Why the Meetings Fail
by LostGeneration inone of the big sayings for those that run websites is that "content is king" it makes perfect sense, as sites like this one have entertaining content for the targeted audience.
even better, more content is added everyday bringing users back repeatedly.
poptular tv shows and movies are loved because they entertain customers for a low cost or free.. on the other hand, you have the content provided by the watchtower bible and tract society, delivered though the pages of the watchtower and through weekly meetings.
You all remember how good you felt when the meeting was over? Back in the 70's in the summer on Fri. night I'd fly out the door after the prayer, head for the local dirt track taking off my tie as I drove. By that time you could often get in for free (extra bonus) and be just in time to start catching the feature races. Race cars, friends, girls, beer, maybe go swimming, the night wasn't so bad afterall.
Song- "we're Jehovah's Witnesses" in honor of this weeks WT study
by stuckinamovement inthis was the last song of the service meeting this week.
the new version sounds like a death march anthem.
the melody has changed and i think the words have also.. i truly used to like that song and it was one of the first song's i could sing as a kid.
When the new songbook began to be used I was already missing most of the meetings. In fact, I showed up one day and everyone was in the new songbook and I didn't even have one. BUT, I did catch a meeting part that told everyone how great and wonderful the new and re-worked tunes were. They're all crazy.
Demonstrations From the Platform
by DarioKehl ingood evening, all.... still relatively new here so if i'm posting about a topic that's already been run into the ground, i apologize.
but i just wanted to acknowledge the typical "demo" we all see at meetings, assemblies and conventions.
even back when i was a good-goody teen dub, my brother, friends and i would jokingly refer to demos as "5-minute illustrations on how to say 'no.'".
If you want to see the newest a latest technology out there check in with the bethelites (the ones that got money from daddy). They are always on the cutting edge.
Good job on that post Dario. I swear it sounds like about the last assembly demo I saw. Can't remember where. Maybe about 2 yrs ago.