A QUESTION I was a dub for 40+ yrs. Served for 20 yrs. The senario I laid out in my post yesterday is a general description of how I've seen these situations go. I remember three times when this has happened, once in my congo, a long time ago before I served, but I doubt there was one person in our congo that didn't know what was going on. The problem, as mentioned in other posts was a dysfuntional BOE, during a time that our congo NEEDED a funtioning BOE. I won't comment on that specific. One bro. sent in actually moved into our territory, another brother commuted into our territory. I don't know if those two bros. worked or even knew each other before.
Another time was in another state in my brother in law's congo. For years he would tell me how bad his BOE was, he was a ex-bethelite, pioneer, elder, and had loose lips. I guess he felt he could confide in me. When the clean-up boys were sent into his congo he was one of the ones removed. Moved to another congo with a much better "spirit" according to him and was after some time appointed. Not too long after, that body was no good........got to make a long (years) story short. Moved to another state and was appointed. On visits and phone conversations he started to complain about that BOE. I eventually told him that he seemed to be the common denominator on all these problem BOE's. After that he no longer confided in me, but he was removed or forced to step down. He didn't move, but he changed congos. He is presently serving. It's a saga........on & on and I feel bad for my sister.
Third time was in a nearby congo. Don't know much about it. Just bros. were sent in, cleaned it up and left.