Botzwana; My hat is off to you for being all in and yet still able to reason and change.
JoinedPosts by pontoon
Never, never was 100% in
by pontoon inover 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that i put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know.
but through it all i never bought the whole truth idea 100%.
no matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, i just couldn't wait for it to end.
Never, never was 100% in
by pontoon inover 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that i put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know.
but through it all i never bought the whole truth idea 100%.
no matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, i just couldn't wait for it to end.
I stepped down serving as an elder in 2005, against the wishes of the rest of the body and the circuit overseer. From that time on I was treated like a leper. Really was not very close to anyone in the congregation when I left. I just got to a point when I just couldn't sit through another meeting and just stopped going. Period. That was it.
And, how long is your hair?
beliefs, doctrine, teaching that you never could handle
by pontoon in1) jehovah telling abraham to murder his son.
my reply; kill me now, i won't do it.
2) the bear killing i think 21 wise ass children.
1) Jehovah telling Abraham to murder his son. My reply; kill me now, I won't do it
2) The bear killing I think 21 wise ass children. Geeze, they were just children
3) The murderer and adulterer David got to live but his family paid. Wonder what Uziah will have to say to David in the resurection
4) Jehovah is humble and we have free will. But he'll murder you if you don't worship him
5) An old blood arguement that a transfusion=eating blood. Even as a dumb kid I thought that was stupid and wrong reasoning. We don't
digest and matabolize our blood
That's my short list. Never Ok with these from the first day I learned of them.
good for a chuckle
by pontoon inoften we have threads about stars that are or have jw backrounds.
danielle from american pickers.
grew up in a "strict jehovah's witness family.
Often we have threads about stars that are or have JW backrounds. Here's another. Danielle from American Pickers. Grew up in a "strict Jehovah's Witness family." Doesn't say whether or not she was actually a witness. The chuckle part is she own a burlesqe troupe and is part of the show. Fame from American Pickers blew her marriage apart and she moved back home??? to that strict JW family???
Never, never was 100% in
by pontoon inover 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that i put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know.
but through it all i never bought the whole truth idea 100%.
no matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, i just couldn't wait for it to end.
Sorry for double posting. Enjoying good replies. Another thing for me was that I never felt that "this life" was so bad as taught by Wat., even though I felt I was missing out on things I would have enjoyed. Some have more legitimate problems and issues than others for sure, but life is also a lot of what you make it, and for me it was good so it was hard to buy into the doom and gloom of this old system. Through all that I've had some "worldly" friends as close to me as my brothers and sister, I knew worldy people could be as good and moral or bad and unmoral as anyone in the truth.
Never, never was 100% in
by pontoon inover 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that i put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know.
but through it all i never bought the whole truth idea 100%.
no matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, i just couldn't wait for it to end.
Over 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that I put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know. But through it all I never bought the whole truth idea 100%. No matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, I just COULDN'T wait for it to END. Always felt bored to death, let me out of here, I got things to do. One thing I'm proud of, I was never guilted into pioneering, just doing the bare minimum field service I could get away with. One month a long long time ago I did pioneer hours unofficially but only because of the pioneer sister I got to work with each day. It wasn't worth it. How many felt that way? How many still in feel that way? Thing is for so many years I believed it was my fault I didn't appreciate the truth like I should and everyone else did, so at times I really tried, but it all just never worked for me, I'm sure if it wasn't for family I would have never been a JW.
Never, never was 100% in
by pontoon inover 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that i put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know.
but through it all i never bought the whole truth idea 100%.
no matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, i just couldn't wait for it to end.
Over 40 yrs baptized, service, builds, talks and talks and talks that I put countless hours of prep into, elder, meetings, assemblies,----you all know. But through it all I never bought the whole truth idea 100%. No matter what it was, meeting, service, assemblies, I just COULDN'T wait for it to END. Always felt bored to death, let me out of here, I got things to do. One thing I'm proud of, I was never guilted into pioneering, just doing the bare minimum field service I could get away with. One month a long long time ago I did pioneer hours unofficially but only because of the pioneer sister I got to work with each day. It wasn't worth it. How many felt that way? How many still in feel that way? Thing is for so many years I believed it was my fault I didn't appreciate the truth like I should and everyone else did, so at times I really tried, but it all just never worked for me, I'm sure if it wasn't for family I would have never been a JW.
What's true and what isn't?
by chapstick inalthough i was born into the wts i haven't been involved in it for decades, i do have a personal prediction based on about 6.56% of the societies doctrines, decades of meditation, crazy women, drug abuse and bible stories that i memorized in my childhood.
here goes: the great tribulation and armageddon (which started with the first shots fired from syria into turkey last month), a physical ascention for a few, the shocking appearance of great signs and wonders in the sky and the disclosure that aliens were/are our ancestors who colonized the planet will take place in the next weeks to such a degree that will be undeniable to everyone.
the economic and political collapse of the western democracies and the opening of literal, newly found scrolls (one set under the right paw of the sphinx) will be on everyones mind and they will reveal the truth about religion and the dirty laundry of nearly every political and religious figure on the planet both now and in the past; it will be the most shocking disclosure of criminality, genocide and debauchery that has ever taken place on this planet.
I was thinking exactly the same thing!!
Favorite JW Urban Legends
by Christ Alone inwhat are your favorite urban legends that you heard as a jw?.
here's mine:.
a brother, through his work, was asked to give a speech to the united nations.
Table cloth wouldn't burn becasuse it was made with a lot of abestos. They used to put it in just about everything.
Patterson on the line: Watchtower claims that paying cash bond would cause “immediate irreparable harm and hardship”
by cedars ina new article for those who are interested....
The only money problems wat has is how to spend it all. Millions and millions being spent at Wat Farm and the new complex in Tuxedo. Millions and millions on the drawing board for Patterson expansion. Their multi million dollar projects seem to go on endlessly. Besides contributions, assembly income, willed estates..... we have no idea what other investments and interests they have income from. I also believe they do next to nothing for the witnesses in poor countries. Years ago a missionary from Africa or S America gave a talk in my hall. He spoke about how in the poor country he was serving in they couldn't finish a new KH for lack of $300. I remember being floored that the Society wouldn't cough up 300 bucks. Of course he got lots of green handshakes that night, but don't think for a minute the Society is spending money to help out the friends in any country. Cheapest bunch of people I can think of.