Nice story Farkel. Did he ever go in service again? If so, did he use his chopper as a service vehicle?
JoinedPosts by TimeBandit
Hells Angel dub
by Farkel ina hells angel studied with the dubs and progressed until he was ready for field service.
the local elder decided to accompany him on his first trip in the field.
the hells angels wannabe dub had bought a suit, white shirt and tie and when he put it on, it covered up all his body ink except that on his neck and the swastikas and skull and crossbones all over his face, and on his hands and wrists.. they go to the first door and the householder says, "yes?
"we need to help that brother"
by TimeBandit inat the last district convention i went to (2010) i was sitting in my seat during the lunch break.
i was listening to two brothers sitting together chatting in the row in front of me.
they were talking about brother 'so and so'.
@ Billy: I agree. Not that I think about what you said. At the time though, I just thought they were talking about helping that brother the way I wanted to be helped. Now I'm glad I was ignored. It made my exit a lot easier.
"we need to help that brother"
by TimeBandit inat the last district convention i went to (2010) i was sitting in my seat during the lunch break.
i was listening to two brothers sitting together chatting in the row in front of me.
they were talking about brother 'so and so'.
As an ex-jw, I have had more support and kindness from other ex-jws than I received from jws in nearly 30 years in the cult. Yeah, I did know a few truly loving/caring jws, but they were few and far between like stated above. I've had a rough trip leaving the Jws, but my life is better now than ever before.
Thanks for the support. Thanks for this forum.
"we need to help that brother"
by TimeBandit inat the last district convention i went to (2010) i was sitting in my seat during the lunch break.
i was listening to two brothers sitting together chatting in the row in front of me.
they were talking about brother 'so and so'.
At the last District Convention I went to (2010) I was sitting in my seat during the lunch break. I was listening to two brothers sitting together chatting in the row in front of me. They were talking about brother 'so and so'. They discussed how they might encourage him and personally help him out spiritually. One said to the other "We need to help that brother". It was really a very heartwarming conversation.
Then I got to thinking about my own spirituality. How I was getting less and less time in service. How discouraged I was because despite all my attempts, no one ever seemed to notice how poorly I was doing. I got to wondering why no one ever got together like that for my benefit. How come I'm not doing very well, am very discouraged, and no one noticed that and takes ME under their wing.
At first, I was happy to have heard their chat, but then I was really depressed and sad that no one ever tried to help me like that. One of the things that led me to leave the JWs was the lack of love and interest toward me. On the other hand, if I hadn't been ignored and neglected I would probably still be trapped in a cult with no future. So even though I was discouraged and depressed about it, those emotions were worth what I have now: freedom.
Chris- -
The start of Armageddon
by Armageddon-Messenger in<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } a:link { so-language: zxx } --> hi everyone:.
i am armageddon messenger, the one that jesus said he would send to tell "you" the things coming.-john 16:12-14. .
as it should be expected, the governing body of jw's are not willing and will not accept me as a "prophet" because according to them, jehovah only communicates trough them.... .
This guy got banned as a troll over at JWR yesterday. What a nut.
Rick Fearons wife Inez passed away
by mouthy indid anyone hear that rick fearons wife inez passed away???
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
by MrFreeze indoes anybody know the jw reasoning why using mind-altering depression and schizophrenia medication are okay but marijuana is not?
okay i could see saying not to use marijuana because it is currently illegal in the us but what if it were legal?
there are lots of health benefits for marijuana.
"please sign in" was all mom said to me and my boys at her sisters funeral yesterday at the kindom hall
by oompa inmy dad never once looked at me...i went even though they did not come to the door when i went to tell her i was sorry about her sister...that i had heard through the grapvine her sister had died...they did not even ccall me...and they did not answer the phone when i left the message asking for the time and place of the funeral unless they did not want us to attend...and they did not call....but we all decided to go anyway and im glad we did....but it was surreal...i will share more later.
and i have a close friend nearby dfd about four years ago whose dad is dying and wont hardly ever talk to her... he does a bit but not her mom....neither does robert7s mom talk at all to him and yes it causes pain...but i think i am finally close to healing that last part of mine......oompa.
funny but just realized that the above two cases both people are recognizd as a son or daughter important enough to shun like me...but we dont get shunned like dfd and apostate sons at the funeral...just another
Sorry. Being shunned is hard to deal with for sure. In a way I'm glad my folks think of me as dead. Now I don't have to deal with them. I will probably never be notified if one of them dies or gets seriously ill and thats going to be for the best. I hope one day your folks open up to you oopa.