You know, there are plenty of jets in private hands. Why hasn't someone just gone up there and collected a sample of these chemtrails you know, like for proof of whats going on? It's not like it would be hard to come up with concrete evidence if indeed we are being sprayed with chemicals.
Posts by Leto
Chemtrails, Seeing is believing.
by pedal power inbefore i begin, i want you to know i understand the difference between chemtrails and contrails, so lets leave those discussions behind, chemtrails exist.. what is the purpose of chemtrails ?
if it was to artificially create clouds, why come to edinburgh ?
for any of you who are unaware, 90% of the time its cloudy and rainy, so creating cloud cover, is a joke.
There was a clique of goody goody elder's sons & daughters from a few different congregations around St. Petersburg Florida that we used to call the "superfriends"... And then there were also "the dudes".
Movies that resonate with you as an ex-JW or awake JW
by RayPublisher inthe matrix - "do you want the blue pill or the red pill?
", "all i offer you is the truth", "ignorance is bliss", "the matrix is all around us".
shutter island - creepy, is it real or isn't it, it turns out the whole thing is a dream.
Alien Invasion, how would survive A hostile takeover?
by jam inwatching the history station, on speculation if there was a alien.
they speculate that 70% of the world population would.
Staying on the move, eating alien flesh, ruthlessness, superior firepower.
That's the last straw. That cartoon has helped me in my decision to finally go back to the meetings.
And drop a double decker in the men's room. :)
Share in the final witness NOW! the Watchtower
by Aussie Oz inwt 1950 1/15.
share in the glorious treasure of giving the final witness now, that you may feed on the fruits of victory.
the time is shorteven satan knows that!
Yeah, I'll get right on that.
11 New Tab: Peace and Security What gives?
by _Atlas ini just being told by an jw of the new tab on the un web page... peace and security... what gives and what do they claim now?
is the un crying "peace and security" on their eyes?.
Oh boy maybe this means millions now living will die!
Unwitnessing - Have you ever.......
by punkofnice in...been incognito in another city, town, state, burg or whatever........been approached by jdubs that didn't know you were 'apostate' (living in the real world that is), and you've been able to unwitness to them?.
(why does it never happen to me?
do i have 'spiritually weak demonic apostate' tattooed on my forehead or something?
I forgot to add they did give me 2 sets of magazines which spent the next week being trampled on in the floor of my truck before they got burned to start a campfire.
Unwitnessing - Have you ever.......
by punkofnice in...been incognito in another city, town, state, burg or whatever........been approached by jdubs that didn't know you were 'apostate' (living in the real world that is), and you've been able to unwitness to them?.
(why does it never happen to me?
do i have 'spiritually weak demonic apostate' tattooed on my forehead or something?
Yeah I've done it. I've never outright lied to them. I appraoched a few sitting at a table at a McDonalds on a saturday morning. They had their magazines prominantly displayed on their table, and they were posisioned to where you had to walk past them so you could order.
I got my food and walked up to them "Jehovah's Witnesses, eh?" Struck up a conversation. I told them I used to study and was very familiar with their teachings. They asked why I stopped and I told them because there were huge holes in their doctrines that they couldn't explain. I brought up 586/87 and they looked at me like I had just grown a second head. They told me that there are certain things that I just need to take on faith.
I gave them my name and email, I said I'd like to talk some more, but it's been months and they never followed up on me. I guess I was undeserving.
Nice, Russians are building 5000 new bunkers by end of year in Moscow!!!
by sinis inhmmmm, makes you wonder.
i am a firm believer that "celestial events" as described in the bible and other works will appear during this year and next.
trust me the gov't knows something is going down but are not saying what, however they are preparing....
The rooskies have always been fond of bunkers. During the cold war they had very good and well stocked shelters for their public. They believed in protecting their people in the event of a nuclear exchange.They figured they'd go on as long as the "worker" survived.
This is probably just a continuation of that train of thought. You can't blame them.