Rocketman - "Actually I'm in the opinion that when people visually see the great FDSL ones speak they may be more accepting to what the glorified spiritual ones say, in other words better brainwashing."
I just got the weirdest slogan image in my head... "Jehovah's Witnesses: Better Blessedness Through Brainwashing"
Seriously, though, I'm sort of on that page, too...
...Stephen Lett is the first example to come to mind. After all, the rest of the Crazy Eight have gotta know just how fucking ridiculous the guy sounds, but they still put him on.
The only reason for that (that makes any sense to me) is that he's gotta be some kind of litmus test...
...they realize if a dutiful rank-and-filer can drink Letto the Clown's Kool-Aid and still say "please, sir, can I have some more" and mean it...
...the Org's got him for life.