careful - “…are the GB so hell bent on keeping all this stuff hidden just to save face among non-Witnesses…?”
Yes, but not for the reasons you might think.
They’re trying to salvage their public image because their charity status is increasingly at risk in more and more countries, and all indications are that the Org’s business model is dependent on the tax-exemption (or government handouts) that come with it.
TonusOH - “…they are also concerned with the rank-and-file hearing about it, because the WTS tells JWs that they are different from other religions, in that they protect young ones from abuse and make sure to deal severely with those who abuse children. If the truth is that they do neither of these things, then they are no different than the religious groups that they have condemned...”
The moment a questioning rank-and-filer figures that out, they also realize that it’s not “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization”…
…and any remaining incentive to stay goes out the window.