WT studios should make a true-to-the-text adaptation of the “Revelation Climax” book.
It’d be the most batshit crazy thing ever seen.
today i watched my 1st wt drama video since 30 years ago when i quit as a jw member.
the strange thing is that i did not choose to start watching this video.
it was my wife who's never been a witness, who started going over the jw.org site, and came across the new videos.
WT studios should make a true-to-the-text adaptation of the “Revelation Climax” book.
It’d be the most batshit crazy thing ever seen.
i look at tv and the media as all fiction.. i wonder if the media is now just a tool to cauterise the brain and zombify us?
i'm sure the uk's bbc does.
it seems to be a tool to brainwash people to buy into latest agenda or trend that must be followed.....or you're an outcast like a disfellowshipped one.
All hail the Neworldordereptilianuminati!!!
atheists believe death is the end of personal existence.
but for those who believe there is life after death, what do you think is the nature of final punishment?
in other words do you agree with the atheists and the watchtower society or is there eternal ongoing conscious punishment awaiting the wicked.
I like to think that Rutherford and Jaracz are cellmates in Hell.
do you think the brothers who wrote watchtower articles are living in real world?........
david splane........ powerful by faith convention 2021 video.
please i got an excerpt of this from another video but the response by david splane is not included.
I don’t think the brothers who write the Watchtower articles are living on the same fucking planet.
can we hang out with someone of the other sex even if the other has a boy- or girlfriend or is married?.
the following dramatization of the full-length transcript between google ai researchers and lamda 'herself'.
a google engineer named lemoine recently made the headlines for claiming a.i.
below is the most mind-blowing interview i've ever seen in my entire life!.
Just don’t call her “Skynet”.
i thought it was just me that had a negative view of people who proclaim themselves to be activists.. but no, it seems i'm not alone!.
Personally, I think genuine, positive “for real” activism can take many forms.
I’ve stated several times that simply participating here could be viewed as a kind of activism.
It’s when one becomes a professional “activist” that things start to get weird.
Just my opinion.
is there one line of prose or poetry that stopped you dead in your tracks and haunted your mind for days on end?
is there a line, a paragraph or a book that feeds your soul and there is no end to its craving?
share it with all of us.
Rise up, gather round…
Rock this place to the ground…
a pimo elder at bethel has come forward with a special message posted on reddit.. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/v9mgao.
the dated pictures attached are "proof conclusive" that this is for real.
no outside guests are allowed inside bethel at this time.
You mean, besides the fact that no self-respecting alien would waste its time with Calgary?
i'm wondering if this is another step in wt branching out into attempting to profit through media production.
last year they already registered their hollywood style company "jw studios" as an llc, unlike their other corporations which are non-profit.. ( more information on that here: https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5740817149853696/jw-studios-llc-commercial-purposes ).
now, i see this video of a wt spokesman.
And the Watchtower’s weirdness wanders on…