Hey Farkel - I admit it - I am lazy. Too many years being part of the WTS - does that sound like a good excuse? LOL. And I realized after I had posted that reply that probably the archives are indexed per subject matter. I will do some exploring and poking around - even for me to be using the Internet is a big new experience and there is LOTS I have yet to learn about how to negotiate my way around - even to use all those little boxes above my screen here - most of it is like a foreign language to me.
Sorry about the COPD - I know firsthand what that is like because I myself battle it. But I haven't accepted it as a death sentence yet.........When I find the miracle cure I'll let you know - in the meantime we just keep trusting in the Lord, one day at a time, sometimes an hour or a minute at a time. Came near to going to ER room last night but decided - aw heck - they would just keep me waiting for hours in a cold reception room - I've been through that one many times before - think I'll just die at home warm and comfy in my own bed (not truly so comfy when one can't breathe) but guess what - I managed to keep chugging - Jehovah has given me one more day to live. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.