Welcome, James Jackson. Once the bell has been rung, it cannot be unrung. You are amongst those know who are of the "consious class."
JoinedPosts by whathappened
Former Long Time Elder, New Member
by James Jackson ini have served 20 years as an elder, 5 years as an ms. was on the district committee in 2010, held various positions on the district , circuit, and rbc level.
probably been on more than 100 judicial committees and even an appeals committee.
was the coordinator in our congregation and deleted because adult child was df ( i kicked him out at the time of his wrongdoing, but that wasn't enough for thr brothers).
Lurkers - Not even a 5 min visit from Elder or Sister
by *lost* inbeen oooh, 4 months now, nothing, nada, zip, like i never even existed.. no one knows i am awakened, etc... so as far as they concerned i'm still in wt land.. starting missing meetings as i was ill with a virus, knocked me out physically.
the rest is history, as they say.. .
so much for the love that is preached.
It is all about the numbers. The elders called a couple of times for my time and when I said I had none it was met with a few moments of silence. They made 2 brief telephone calls and said they heard I wasn't coming back and asked if it was something they did. I told them no. The calls were less than a minute each.
Yes, they really care. At least they aren't trying to df me!!!
I just love that JWN readers know all this stuff before the diehard "try hard" jw's do!
The Elders want to meet with me ... (Judicial Meeting)
by Oubliette inthe elders want to meet with me.
at least that's what they keep telling me, and they've been saying it for more than a month and a half now.
just so you're clear: this is a judicial committee.
That shows how loving they really are, making this meeting such a low priority for themselves. They don't care what they ar putting you through, they only care about themselves. It is laughable to think they have God's spirit upon them.
Who on here, are close to 60
by Quarterback inwow, where does the time go?
i'm scared of reaching this number, and yet i'm so close.. what is your health secrets?
what do you do for stress releif?
I am 59 and am in very good health. I don't take any prescription medications and rarely take over the counter meds.
Try to eat good healthy whole foods. Limit refined foods, only occasional junk food. Don't let yourself go, don't smoke of course.
Keep active and keep up with pop culture and the latest in technology. Never stop learning and associate with younger people.
Oh yes, forget that you are getting old.
Julia gets hit with the Shun Gun for the first time...and it really hurts.
by Julia Orwell inmy jw friend of 20 years, the first one i ever met, the one who got me into jwism in the first place, unfriended me from facebook without explanation.
other jws who have unfriended me at least called me names (apostate) and told me they were unfriending me, but they were no loss.
but someone who's been your friend since you were 13...and no explanation...i'd think 20 years- 20 years!
Sorry, Julia, but those people only are your fake friends. I havent heard a peep from any of my jw friends who have known me for over 50 years, since childhood. They act like I never existed.
by Crazyguy inok so i have been actively fading but my question to all you faders with family.
if one just fades doesn't it just look like to your kids that you have just become spiritually weak?
i mean aren't they my kids just going to ask their mother why i'm not going in time, and that will give her a chance to explain things the way she wants?
You understand that you won't be df'd for being spiritually weak, but you will for apostasy. Is it worth the risk? Everyone has to decide for themselves.
I am not a game player so I was honest about my beliefs. There have been some rocky times with my grown up daughter and her husband, but they have decided that as long as we don't discuss it we can still maintain contact. Things are a bit strained, but I am happy they are still letting me see them.
Tech49 on HOURS, TIME, and REPORTS
by Tech49 ini thought i would share some of my observations on counting field service time, reports, etc.
and how those reports are viewed, to those that are still so fixated on numbers.. i served as secretary on the service committee for many years, and have seen it all!.
i was really disheartened when wt changed the requirement for aux pioneering to allow for 30 hrs, instead of the 50 it has been for so long.
Welcome Tech.
My exhusband was an elder. I discovered that he "greatly exaggerated" our time on our time slips. He would tell me, "I turned your time in for you, don't worry.". When the field service overseer visited our book study and showed us our publishers cards, I was shocked! Wow, he had us exemplary publishers. We were low hour publishers in reality. I am sure my ex wasn't the only elder to do this.
He also told me how his brother, who was a full time brother and pioneer would throw the magazines in his dumpster instead of placing them at the doors. He had a large impressive magazine order each month and also pencil whipped his time report.
Started a New Job and guess what?
by whathehadas ini recently got hired finally, by a small pest control company.
well on my first day i rode along with a guy to train and he strikes up a convo about him and his wife being christians.
he asked me if i go to church and i tell him about my background as a former witness.
Congratulations on your new job and how nice you have already made a connection with your new co workers. They do sound like they will benefit from knowing you.
Updated Stickers!!! (Complete with QR Codes)
by nicsfreedom ini was pleasantly surprised by all the people that wanted stickers for hospitals, laundromats, ...to bring awareness of the real truth on watchtower publications.
i have modified and updated some content based on a few convo's with some of you since the last set was done.. for those of you who want the new template please send me a pm.
please include the email that you would like the template sent to.. btw-if anyone has suggestions as to other areas that literature is left that would be great!.
Where I live, they leave literature at train and bus stations, enclosed covered bus stops, on bus seats, in grocery store entrances (where the free real estate brochures are kept). Of course I also find them in hospital and doctors waiting rooms.