No, since leaving Jehovah's Witnesses 2 1/2 yrs ago I have become ab atheist.
If that maniacal genocidal god exists, I don't want a relationship with him anyway.
when you pray do you still use the name jehovah.
i still do.
No, since leaving Jehovah's Witnesses 2 1/2 yrs ago I have become ab atheist.
If that maniacal genocidal god exists, I don't want a relationship with him anyway.
there are many silly doctines and viewpoints.. one of the strangest ones is the blood doctrine.. why anyone could logically accept this belief is beyond reason..
Saluting the flag or singing the national anthem is performing an act of worship to Satan. That's a doozie!
Can't wait til this is all over, hopefully settled in Candace's favor.
once in a great while, i stop by a local repair shop and enjoy a cigar with the owner.
he's a great guy with a lot on his mind and we always have a lot to talk about.
last time i was there i noticed a watchtower on his counter with an actual pen on top of it!
Yes, you could be in trouble soon. Do this fellow a favor and tell him to check out
if there's one scripture that defines the entire purpose of a jehovah's witness's existence, it's matthew 24:14.
"this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.".
this is the entire purpose of going door to door.
Good point. And why aren't they using the social media? When someone shares a video or a web link with all their Facebook friends and they also share the info with their Face book friends, their so called good news could spread like wildfire. This is discouraged, as is web based witnessing.
I went to a Mexican restaurant tonight. I enjoyed chips and salsa, chile relleno, beef enchilada, beans and rice with a big glass of ice tea. Yummy!
when i believed in god i tried not to pray for anything selfish.. after a while i began to think that a lot of things i was asking my imaginary friend in the sky for were selfish for some reason.. i do not ever remember a single thing i prayed for ever being answered.
if there was the appearance of an answer it was because i did mental gymnastics to make it fit the delusion that god had actually answered me.
there was never an obvious message/answer from god.
No, when my marriage to my elder husband was falling apart and I would go to Jehovah in tearful, desperate prayer, he never answered me. I assumed that meant it was ok for us to divorce and we did.
it makes me very happy when a popular celebrity leaves a cult, because it could give others the courage to do it or start to think about leaving.. leah remini played carrie on "the king of queens", and has also been on "saved by the bell", "the talk" and had small parts in other shows..
leah remini leaves church of scientology, calls it "corrupt": report.
the church of scientology has one less celebrity among its ranks, according to a new report: leah remini.
I hope she becomes a spokesperson about mind control and cults. She could be of help in getting our dear friends and relatives to realise that they too are in a cult.
it seems to me that in the past large flashes of "new light" have come when the governing body was backed into a corner.
for example the multiple re-defining of what a generation is until it ended up the ridiculous "overlapping" meaning.. what is the reason this time?
are they worried because the number of partakers has been going up?
New light justifies their existence. Without new light, we could feasibly just study the same publications over and over and over. This way the publishing house stays in business.
Another possible explanation is that they are making this religion up as they go. Once it becomes apparent that the doctrine they were previously teaching could not possibly be true, they have to come up with an excuse - new light or progressive revelation.
when i was a kid, i researched the origins of the religion and realized that the witnesses were an offshoot of adventism.....we're you surprised to learn something about the witnesses that you didn't realize?.
I was shocked when I read of all the scandals such as Mexico/Malawi and the UN, but what I was most surprised to learn was how wrong we were on doctrines such as the blood issue, holidays, judicial committees, etc. I also came to realize that we consistently go above and beyond what is written and have put the Bible on equal level as the Bible, the governing body on equal level with Jesus.