I attempted to take the survey, but some of my feelings and opinions did not fit into any of the selections.
I can't think so much "in the box" any more...sorry...
So I bailed.
hello community,.
my name is brett w., and i am senior undergraduate student at the university of florida.
I attempted to take the survey, but some of my feelings and opinions did not fit into any of the selections.
I can't think so much "in the box" any more...sorry...
So I bailed.
great friendship that i'm growing with a older woman here in milwaukee.. she's a really nice woman.
i like talking to her, and she tells me that she tries to listen to the 'younger folks.
' she said, she actually enjoys talking.
After it dawns on them late in life that they have been lied to...Maybe they finally start to wonder...is this all there is to life?
no paradise after all...?
Too late to start over...?
I don't think its too late, personally. It's never too late to open a mind, learn and grow.
i'll give some background information before i introduce myself.
i faded from the organization three and a half years ago.
i have no family members who are jws and haven't thought about this religion at all over the past three and half years.
ah, he's a god who will convert all the JWs to him and he will be known as Jepono!
i'll give some background information before i introduce myself.
i faded from the organization three and a half years ago.
i have no family members who are jws and haven't thought about this religion at all over the past three and half years.
Some things you just have to experience for yourself!
Maybe its a bet...
Any elder lurking here is going to be wary of a newcomer... But do keep us posted.
the thread about the cross got me to thinking about this - i think i read somewhere that the earliest known christian relic was a mosaic display of the fish symbol - which was taken as a sign of christianity.. has the watchtower ever explained why they avoid the use of this symbol?.
have they ever explained why it is ok for them to use the watchtower as a symbol but not this?.
JWs demonize everything that they have not themselves made up.
So the fish has gotta be demonized, don't you think?
for a long while i have been coming to this site on a daily basis and i think it is time to introduce myself.
here we go: my parents learned the truth when i was 4 and i don't have childhood memories of how life was before they converted.
i was a model jw child, although quite mischievous at school.
Welcome to the forum! One of many healing steps to freedom. This forum is a great place to vent and gain support and help you heal.
I am sorry about your wife... always sad when two paths diverge.
Nevertheless, one must learn to be true to the self. It is not selfish to follow where your heart leads, even if that is not what the JWs teach.
I realize others have said it ahead of me, but Crisis of Conscience really helps if you at all have doubts about the Society TM being human-run.
Now that was new light!
did anyone hear the part from the recording of the last 6 screens conference call where johnny talked about a brother being "effeminate?
" johnny mentioned that he refers to this brother as "sister.
Jehovah's Witnesses have a rule about homophobia, don't they? One must be homophobic to be a member in good standing...!???
i'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
Hi Terry,
I don't believe anything is divine about bible writings. I believe there may be some marginal history although not much. I think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the Old Testament.
Well, since you asked, I don't believe the Bible in the same way that the JWs taught it. I bought the whole JW propaganda because I was "born in" but when I left via disfellowshipping in 2000, I began to re-educate myself.
I visited many different kinds of churches...let's see if I can remember... I visited New Age, Unity and Unitarian. They were inclusive and helped me to a point. I could see by then that the JWs were out to lunch. I visited Baptist, Christian Alliance, but they were rigid and way too similar to the JWs. I have a friend who is First Nations (Shoshone) and I like the way they are in tune with nature.
One may wish to examine how much "conditioning" goes on in a religion before rushing into becoming a member. Personally, I see over and over again how dangerously divisive so-called "moderate" religion can be.
Most importantly, I do believe what the bible says about a time when people would not adhere to religion. Rather, each person would be a law to themselves. (Romans 2:14) By that, I mean their conscience would be their guide; not some priest, pastor, elder, imam, bishop, etc. No more religion running the show, asking for money, lobbying for more power, and demanding more freedom to frighten and enslave. Sounds healthy to me. I embrace this idealist concept. I believe in being true to myself.
hey i was wondering if anyone has the answers for this weeks km part do you know your options.
questions are-.
what is the main reason why jehovah witnesses refuse blood tranfusions .
This is a test, right?
i am a former active poster here, former elder, former bethelite and pretty much known by people on the xjw boards since the mid 90's.
gawd that makes me sound old.. i notice that a great deal of uproar is being made by allegations of a hide in the closet alleged bethelite.
to counter the damage caused by this claim, i am happy to address any questions people may have about bethel, protocol, etc.. i was at the canada branch for 11 years, worked in multiple areas including the legal department, service desk and writing dept.
Hi Uzzah,
I helped write the frickin 1995 Watchtower article about the "Generation Change" and was privvy to all the discussions surrounding that change. I knew of many of the child abuse cases, cover ups and mishandlings. Yet when I said I wanted to leave, they all but drove me to the gate.
Seems to me the WT thinks they are above reproach, no matter how much covering up of their corruption. This is the fallacy of most religions. Each one thinks they are the only right religion and can do no wrong. Especially true of the Jehovah's Witnesses. They commit perjury via "Theocratic Warfare" thinking that Jehovah is helping them "trick" their religious opponents. They believe that Jehovah would want it that way.
I believe one day their actions will catch up to them and they will be held accountable by a power greater than themselves or even their false god.