the pros of being a JW, if even conscious of its many faults, far outweight being a disgruntled, hardheaded apostate?
Do you mean to say there are pros to being a brainwashed book seller?
Do you really think that apostates are disgruntled and hardheaded?
Why are you putting us in a box?
To answer your question about being honest with myself... that is exactly the was time to be honest with myself. After spending my entire life as a JW and adjusting my view, my thoughts, my beliefs to the very uncomfortable, constricting, restricting JW box, when I finally left, I decided it was time *finally* to find out who I truly was and be true to myself. I am happier now than I ever was as a depressed, mal-adjusted JW-in-a-box trying to please an un-please-able, punishing god and demanding, controlling patriarchs.
Gone dancing!