Let me see... which came first...1901 or 1984...? *scratches head*
so i ran across this statement today in doing some research:.
take, for instance, the stories and legends regarding the origin of man.
although details vary, the belief that man was made from the dust of the earth is widespread.
Let me see... which came first...1901 or 1984...? *scratches head*
i just looked up some population statistics.
i saw there are over a billion children under the age of 10 on the earth today.
(didn't research too hard - just googled it.
of course...Jehovah is a god of blood and a god of war.
certainly not a god of love by any stretch of the imagination!
But I agree with flipper. There is no such thing as Armageddon.
Armageddon: A made-up tale to frighten sheeple into obedience.
loading the language is a propogandist tactic to trigger a reaction in the mind.
a prime example is the word 'apostate'!.
i have been called 'spiritually weak' for quitting field service, meetings etc.. how would you respond (without swearing or giving a punch up the hooter), if you were called this?.
Independent thinking...
after 33 years of being mind controlled at 5 meetings a week, field service meetings, special day assembly, curcuit assembly,district assembly, finding out "the truth" is just a big hoax is like getting punched in the stomach-uppercut in the jaw-being kicked in the balls from behind and then having the rug ripped out from under you and smashing your head on the ground.
what was it like for everyone else?.
Learning the Truth TM is not the truth is enormously freeing!
as many of you know, i made the "big news" statement when kerry louderback-wood's scholarly article about watch tower's blood misrepresentation that was published in the journal of church and state was just about to be published.
i was excited about it because lives were at stake and weve never had such an article before to be able to use to show how the watch tower misrepresents the blood issue through its literature and people die because of it.
Thank you Barbara for sharing your valuable information on this forum.
Sadly, we see time and time again, that Jehovah's Witnesses never want to admit they were wrong about anything.
i ask this question in harmony with deedub's swan song thread which i linked below.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/members/private/205902/1/time-to-say-good-bye.
to some degree, i think i understand where she's coming from.
just speaking from my own experiences since stepping into the world of anonymous apostacy, i went through a few different phases of personal outlooks.
the pros of being a JW, if even conscious of its many faults, far outweight being a disgruntled, hardheaded apostate?
Do you mean to say there are pros to being a brainwashed book seller?
Do you really think that apostates are disgruntled and hardheaded?
Why are you putting us in a box?
To answer your question about being honest with myself... that is exactly the point...it was time to be honest with myself. After spending my entire life as a JW and adjusting my view, my thoughts, my beliefs to the very uncomfortable, constricting, restricting JW box, when I finally left, I decided it was time *finally* to find out who I truly was and be true to myself. I am happier now than I ever was as a depressed, mal-adjusted JW-in-a-box trying to please an un-please-able, punishing god and demanding, controlling patriarchs.
Gone dancing!
hello community,.
my name is brett w., and i am senior undergraduate student at the university of florida.
Students who approach the public for surveys...don't their questions need the approval of the University Ethics Board?
Furthermore, I see he claims to be an "independent researcher." Which leads to my next question. I understood the term "Independent Researcher" to mean he has no institutional affiliation.
Based on the Facebook comments above, it seems the JWs think he is an apostate.
good grief!.
how dumb can this future landfill waste magazine get?
take a look at the march issue, "five keys to better health".
A wake!: For Idiots - Or Just Written By Them?
i am just wondering since these people never work a secular job.
is there some sort of an arrangement from the society to care for them?
presuming they don't even have children of their own to look after them when they are old..
No one expected to die...
i present this video as a starting point to spur discussion (this is like a red dot topic.... wink wink .
I hear your frustration, caliber. Sorry, but feminism is important and not to be feared, but rather embraced by men. Women can't be expected to live a disempowered life. Feminism is necessary for our growth. And, contrary to some beliefs (like the jws) it is not a threat to real men. It may ultimately benefit men because it will challenge men to grow.
Women are growing emotionally. If men don't grow their emotions also, men and women will only grow apart.
Mr Satinka happens to agree with me on this point. He's a keeper.