Seven and waiting (((HUGS))).
Frenchy, your story about your daughter brought tears to my eyes.
This is one of the most moving threads I've read here.
a post on witnet reminded me of this old question from readers in the 1960's.
(and you thought we were sexist .
*** w61 12/15 767-8 questions from readers ***.
Seven and waiting (((HUGS))).
Frenchy, your story about your daughter brought tears to my eyes.
This is one of the most moving threads I've read here.
the way i figure it, this is a rather small group, with really a handful of posters.
probably we've all talked ourselves out, reached our own conclusions by now.. personally, i'm so tired of everything at this point.
i'm tired of looking at a million things a million different ways.
I hear ya Path. I've been "away" for those very reasons. Just wanted to say hi, will be in touch later.
Keep the suits, they come in handy when you need to be GQ.
to high school juniors and seniors, pay attention.
to the registration deadlines for you sat and act's.
the first sat will be given on oct. 14, 2000. deadine is sept. 12th.
Edited by - Kristen on 31 August 2000 21:41:56
to high school juniors and seniors, pay attention.
to the registration deadlines for you sat and act's.
the first sat will be given on oct. 14, 2000. deadine is sept. 12th.
Edited by - Kristen on 31 August 2000 21:39:50
so how long have all you guyz here been apostates anyway, just curious?.i mean, it must be kind of cool to reflect and think...."well, heck, i'm a damned freaking apostate" or altleast a closet apostate, of which most of you are, i think?, right?.yeah, such a cool label is "apostate" huh!.but i'm interested, just how did all here personnally come to realise 'the truth' aint really that?, what set you on that track and made you look outside the bounds of wt literature into so-called apostate areas.. and what finally convinced you that its all just a heap of nonsense?
and forced you to shockingly conclude you had been living a lie?.what did it do to you at that moment, i mean, how did you deal with this blatant self admission that the wt was wrong?
did it crack you up or what...or did you just laugh it off or something?..
Edited by - Kristen on 1 September 2000 2:25:39
in the bible reading programm, we read the story of david and bathseba yesterday.
do you remember, how david let kill the husband of bathseba?.
if you read it carefully, you'll see, how cruel and cold david arrange that.... now comes the most disturbing thing:.
Edited by - Kristen on 1 September 2000 2:30:30
interviewer:has watching tv affected you?.
sometimes when i'm around people, i find myself just watching them-as if i was watching a tv talk show-instead of participating in the conversation.
LOL! I remember the day they released that book at the distict assembly. They had all of the youth sit in a special section - just like they did way back when they released that book titled "Children" in the olden days. That was the first assembly session I didn't have to sit outside in the hot sun with my parents!
And how much more respected you were when you would start a conversation out with "Well, the YPA book says...." Blah blah blah blah!
who learned about womanly hygene from the red Youth book
in the bible reading programm, we read the story of david and bathseba yesterday.
do you remember, how david let kill the husband of bathseba?.
if you read it carefully, you'll see, how cruel and cold david arrange that.... now comes the most disturbing thing:.
Edited by - Kristen on 1 September 2000 2:28:6
hello, i am m2u.. i have enjoy'd reading this board for quite some time.. now i have joined you.. i am df.. .
Edited by - Kristen on 1 September 2000 2:39:34
hello, i am m2u.. i have enjoy'd reading this board for quite some time.. now i have joined you.. i am df.. .
Edited by - Kristen on 1 September 2000 2:38:4