OK, as a Christian (Protestant/Calvinist) what I am about to say would smack of heresy to a number of my Christian friends, and my shock those that think of me as a close-minded fundamentalist. Here goes:
Drop "one nation under God"
There I said it. I think that many Christians have it wrong in that they are all for "traditional values," but fail to recognize wither by choice or by ignorance that this addition is but 50 plus years old. I for one have no problem with dropping this phrase from The Pledge.
What I do have a problem with is groups like the ACLU threatening lawsuits against Christian symbols in public domain, eg. the Los Angeles county seal. If they are allowed to do this then what is next? Los Angeles, San Pedro, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, Las Cruces change their names to "less religious" names?
The Los Angeles Times, in it's recent editorial on this subject, said that this shouldn't even go to court. The funny thing is that their comment was directed at two County Supervisors that wanted to fight this fascist attempt at subverting the history of California. It should have been directed at the ACLU for even making this threat.
The facts are simple; in the southwestern U.S. the Roman Catholic church was the first to "educate" the natives, and it created a road system that is still in use today. Why should that part of history be honored with a cross? Furthermore, why should those of us that have religious values have to have the values of atheists and secularists shoved down our throats? Aren't the atheists and secularists constantly admonishing Christian to not do that? Isn't it time for these people to "practice what they preach?"