A friend of mine read Crisis of Conchshells. He related some of the information to me when I was a Jobot. It made me think.
However, it wasn't that that finally got me to wake up from the Jobots.
It was food for thought all the same.
so imagine a governining body member faithful slave who's uncle wrote the new world translalation bible and predicted 1975 would be armagedon writes a book in 1980 that changed my whole life...thank you raymond franz for setting me and my wife free love this man forever.
true pioneer!
👍 love ❤️ .
A friend of mine read Crisis of Conchshells. He related some of the information to me when I was a Jobot. It made me think.
However, it wasn't that that finally got me to wake up from the Jobots.
It was food for thought all the same.
"i'll smelt my oscars if the academy awards doesn't let zelensky speak!".
wow, his virtue is so good i can't look at it directly, because it would blind me, lol.. yep, it's this year's oscar's ceremony.. prepare for next-level celebrity virtue signalling .... https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/mar/27/sean-penn-oscars-zelenskiy-ukraine .
A Beta soy-boy male pretending to be an Alpha male because his bully wife rules him.
Will Smith is a broken man.
Never mind, keep parroting other people's words from a script.....no one will know.
"i'll smelt my oscars if the academy awards doesn't let zelensky speak!".
wow, his virtue is so good i can't look at it directly, because it would blind me, lol.. yep, it's this year's oscar's ceremony.. prepare for next-level celebrity virtue signalling .... https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/mar/27/sean-penn-oscars-zelenskiy-ukraine .
"i'll smelt my oscars if the academy awards doesn't let zelensky speak!".
wow, his virtue is so good i can't look at it directly, because it would blind me, lol.. yep, it's this year's oscar's ceremony.. prepare for next-level celebrity virtue signalling .... https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/mar/27/sean-penn-oscars-zelenskiy-ukraine .
Staged or not, I do not look to Hollywood 'celebs' as any kind of role models. They are self entitled, out of touch, rich narcissists that think they're great because they copy other people's words from a script.
These awards are the industry awarding themselves.
Sadly, the pursuit of slappyness, just gets them back into our lives. I don't want these attention seeking fools in my life, now I'm talking about them.
I will still ignore the Emmy's, Oscars and all that boring American TV/Film, self aggrandising nonsense.
I don't care about Will Smith's emasculation by his small minded wife. That's their life to mess up as they see fit.
Just make your films, I'll watch them or not as I please. Apart from that. Hollywood can get knotted!
"i'll smelt my oscars if the academy awards doesn't let zelensky speak!".
wow, his virtue is so good i can't look at it directly, because it would blind me, lol.. yep, it's this year's oscar's ceremony.. prepare for next-level celebrity virtue signalling .... https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/mar/27/sean-penn-oscars-zelenskiy-ukraine .
As soon as I saw 'Guardian' I switched off. Any intelligence that is in me gets removed by the Guardian. that's why I won't touch it with a barge pole.
I find these actor types, who only have no originality because they only repeat other people's words from a script, tend to virtue signal for their own attention.
I ignore them. So should everyone else.
You'll usually find that those that try to show virtue and purity so vehemently are usually hiding their own sins.
Zelinskyy is no Saint either.
i'm interested in your thoughts.. the media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda.
you're hard pressed to spot truth these days.. however, i'm told that the rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.
last time i heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.. all the people and family i know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu.
Vaccination is another subject. Does it work? does it not? Depends who you ask.
I am pro vax for those that want and need it but also pro choice for those that don't want a Government injectable in their body.
I've had my 3 shots. I remain highly sceptical about the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Again, it depends who's giving the 'science' or 'politicing' over it.
I do not trust anything I'm told now......being a JW taught me that. Big and little powers have an agenda.
i'm interested in your thoughts.. the media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda.
you're hard pressed to spot truth these days.. however, i'm told that the rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.
last time i heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.. all the people and family i know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu.
There's a whole thing about protecting the vulnerable from the Rona, which I fully agree with.
The obsession is with Rona, don't we do the same for other infectious/contagious nasties?
I agree with you all, this is more political than health.
i'm interested in your thoughts.. the media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda.
you're hard pressed to spot truth these days.. however, i'm told that the rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.
last time i heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.. all the people and family i know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu.
LM - You want your life back. So do I.
Bless your ol' cotton socks. I hope all the best for you.
My Mum has the big C, and the outlook isn't good. Here in this part of the UK they test her when she has an appointment ...but not for Rona.
i'm interested in your thoughts.. the media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda.
you're hard pressed to spot truth these days.. however, i'm told that the rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.
last time i heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.. all the people and family i know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu.
I'm interested in your thoughts.
The Media tells us a lot of agenda driven propaganda. You're hard pressed to spot truth these days.
However, I'm told that the Rona is now just a rotten flu and not the plague we were originally terrified in to believing.
Last time I heard it was down in the hit parade to 16th nasty health thing.
All the people and family I know that have had the rona, have been complaining it's a very crappy flu. I'm sorry for anyone that had fatal results with it.
From what I observe NOW, we can live with it now. Am I wrong?
Why are varied businesses, countries and other types of places/people still very obsessed with it, as if it is the number 1 killer? Did the fear work? Do they know something I don't?
On a side thingy, I still see people on their own in the street or driving with rona masks on. Or those visors that look like they're going to weld something.
On another side note, if people are so worried about 'climate' because of plastic waste, why do they discard the face nappy diaper which isn't cloth but plastic which will probably strangle a turtle or something as it makes Earth burn? (Yes, I'm being sarcastic).
the law of diminishing returns states: the law of diminishing returns is an economic principle stating that as investment in a particular area increases, the rate of profit from that investment, after a certain point, cannot continue to increase if other variables remain at a constant.
as investment continues past that point, the return diminishes progressively.. from 1900 through the 1980s, the more witnesses that got baptized and pioneered, the more bible studies that could be had and the more additional witnesses that could join and then congregations would get bigger and they would divide and form in other areas.
but in the 1990s the law of diminishing returns kicked in, particularly in the bigger cities.
Entropy always wins in the end with everything I can think of.