jan - A religious terrorist trying to hack off their neighbour's head would be found innocent!! In what universe ?
In the universe of grooming gang protector in chief, Kier Starmer?
many on here are ex jw....they have left the jws because of coming to find out the many false indoctrinations.
one of the things learned as a jw is that there isn't anything true about xmas being the birth of jesus.
( matt chapter 2 tells a whole different narrative about the baby jesus than what is portrayed by the christian churches) they learn the ways that are celebrated are pagan practices jesus told the samaritan woman that god wanted to be worshipped in spirit and it truth.
jan - A religious terrorist trying to hack off their neighbour's head would be found innocent!! In what universe ?
In the universe of grooming gang protector in chief, Kier Starmer?
so there's this middle age pioneer couple.
he works part time and the wife doesn't work at all.
their daughter is getting married and even though it is known they go on multiple vacations a year, they expect the grooms parents to pay for 100% of the wedding!
Is it because they're Pious-sneers or because they're just grotty people?
Perhaps being pious-sneers, it enhances their grotty nature.
what did you think god looked like when you were ( or still are ) a jw ?
or even never a jw..but believe in god ?.
it strikes me as a double standard - if someone in the congregation is known by the elders to be a child abuser they wouldn't call the police and "bring reproach on jehovah" as numerous reports have shown.. however, if someone disturbs a congregation meeting the elders are instructed by the org to call the police and tell the police that they want to press charges against the individual.. you couldn't make this stuff up!.
The 'disruptive individuals(tm)' are not giving money to the Corporation. Therefore, they are of no use to TOMO the 3rd's Whiskey fund. How can TOMO remain drunk and slurring his words if the 'disruptive individuals(tm)' are not forcing money into the 'contribution box(tm)'?
The WBT$ disgusts me to the very core with their tolerance and protecting of child abusers. It is to do with reputation which aids with money.
They are duplicitous filth. It makes me wonder if there are nonces on the Governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), and they are thereby protecting their own.
As has been said before many times.........................FOLLOW THE MONEY!
It leads straight to TOMO's liver.
many on here are ex jw....they have left the jws because of coming to find out the many false indoctrinations.
one of the things learned as a jw is that there isn't anything true about xmas being the birth of jesus.
( matt chapter 2 tells a whole different narrative about the baby jesus than what is portrayed by the christian churches) they learn the ways that are celebrated are pagan practices jesus told the samaritan woman that god wanted to be worshipped in spirit and it truth.
BB - The customs and traditions and the food are unappealing to me so I have no problem with sitting it out.
Me too.
....and can someone stop that bloody awful X-mas music on the radio without me having to turn it off?
No. I can't stand Michael bloody Buble singing off time and like a limp cabbage and people thinking he's great. NO! He's SH1T! And I wish Chris DiReah had darned well got home so he can shut his gob. Nor am I interested in some bloody alien coming to Earth for the b@stard 100th time. It's a song that is almost going somewhere but because of poor writing never gets to the high point. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
It really drives me insane.
When people say, 'Oh, I feel all 'Christmassy''. What are you on? Ritalin got to you ducky?
If any time of year makes me want to wipe chimpanzee pooh all over a supermarket and pee in the freezers, it's bleedin' Christmas.
well, that went by the wayside quickly.
another flip-flop by the indiscrete slave?.
december 12, 2022what’s new.
NBD - Jehovah's chariot is on the move I guess right?
I suppose something needed to move. It looks like the 'Pale Horse(tm)' threw a shoe and fell over when Covid (The pestilence to end all pestilences), fizzled out and prevented Armageddon(tm) happening any time soon.
i would have to say yes...by tagging god's alledged name in their title and attaching to it unusual doctrines, end of world date predictions, deadly blood interpretation, abusive shunning policy, csa cover ups.. is there more?.
I'm not sure I believe in God as such....yeah, I know, not sure. Almost certain it isn't a Bible deity if it's still alive though.
However, regardless of that, I find that most religions are a bad advert for their chosen deity and holy book.
To the outside world, the Jobots give a semblance of living a clean, toothpaste smile, Christian(tm) life but just scratch below the surface and the Organisation(tm) (With a 'z' instead of an 's' if you're reading this in Americanese), mired in perversion, drunken leaders and dishonest filth,
Have the Jehovah's Witnesses brought reproach on the name Jehovah?
If Jehovah(tm) is God, then I don't know. the God of the Bible seems a bit of a disgusting character. So, I don't know if they're just following Jehovah's(tm) lead.
so, just posted on jw.borg:.
as of march 2023, the hour requirement for pioneers, which was suspended during the pandemic, will once again be enforced.. elders will review the activity of all pioneers in june 2023. if it appears that any do not have a “practical schedule” (aren’t getting at least close to 70 hours per month”), elders are to “kindly and frankly discuss their circumstances”.. what’s that sound that seems like a torpedo plane diving on its target?
that’s the sound of the number of regular pioneers in complete free fall .
Oh, tittle pooh. Jehovah's Chariot(tm) engine has been stopping and starting again like a plane without fuel.
Sputtering out.
May the Tower fall and TOMO the Turd be rehabilitated from his possible obsessive alcohol addiction,
many on here are ex jw....they have left the jws because of coming to find out the many false indoctrinations.
one of the things learned as a jw is that there isn't anything true about xmas being the birth of jesus.
( matt chapter 2 tells a whole different narrative about the baby jesus than what is portrayed by the christian churches) they learn the ways that are celebrated are pagan practices jesus told the samaritan woman that god wanted to be worshipped in spirit and it truth.
I don't bother with X-mas myself.
1. Because I was raised in the mentally destructive JW cult, I have no childhood memories of X-mas. I have no anchors in it. It is totally meaningless to me.
2. Nothing to do with what the Bible says because I really can't believe all that stuff. The Bible is just a book of fairy tales and mind numbing nonsense to me. You have some way to go to even convince me that Jesus actually existed. Then you'd have to provide evidence he was as the Bible says. Even then it's not proof that he was the Son of God. It's to silly to comprehend.
3. I don't follow the commercial trail like a sheep.
ronald curzan ( helper to the teaching committee ) gives a talk on the real reasons jehovah's witnesses should attend meetings.
it looks like the zoom meetings have softened up many witnesses.
many are probably turning off their cameras and zoning out.
Beth's Serum - As you see him lumbering off the stage.
After slurring his words about some delusional, alcoholic angry meanderings.