R&R If you are to believe this story
I don't. I think there is either an element of Chinese whispers or metaphor. What an absolutely stupid story. I can't believe I was gullible enough to believe such rancid nonsense back in the day. I'm glad I woke up.
Why didn't God just blind them, make them deaf or give them some kind of disorder?
Rectal piles would be my choice. A bit like that other stupid story around the same bit.
George Carlin
He made very astute observations about Religion and God. The ones I've heard make more sense than some twot in a silly hat pretending they're something they're not.
I see folks arguing the toss about what a scripture means on many threads. Same scripture, different interpretation. that should tell you something about what a crap communicator god is, if 'god or gods' exists.
A monumental waste of time. ends in nothing but 'unchristian' squabbling. shows what they learned and practice.
Why not put that effort into make the world a better pace around oneself?