That's great news if the congregation is only 9. Mind you, if the congregation is 120, then
interesting remark i overheard today.
the physical attendance for the sunday meeting, in my local area, was 10. i tried to find out those on zoom.
i was told that the zoom attendees wasn’t mentioned.
That's great news if the congregation is only 9. Mind you, if the congregation is 120, then
it seems to me scripturally speaking, that jehovah's witnesses are emphasizing the wrong name.. it should be jesus, not jehovah.
who is the way, the truth and the life?
(john 14:6).
Fishster - The name Jesus means Salvation from JEHOVAH or JEHOVAH is salvation.
This was my immediate thought.....at first. Then I did some further research and it gets more complicated on Wiki and other places. (Google is your friend and all that jazz).
I'm not sure if Jesus or Jehovah ever existed or exist. Not sure, mind. I'm not discounting their existence totally. Otherwise I wouldn't visit our Cathedral for Evensong every now and then. I am however, sceptical. Although, I think the name Jehovah is a bit of a red herring on the basis of what JW gone bad commented.
So. Going back to the original question for this thread,
What Name Does the New Testament Emphasize - Jehovah or Jesus?
I'd answer Jesus. If the name Yahweh or Jehovah or one of those sort of names has to be hidden in the name, that doesn't cut it for me.
the other day, i chatted to an elderly woman and her daughter who was about 45-50. total strangers.. we were discussing covid when the daughter said, "my neighbor studies with jw's, and the jw's told her 3 months before the virus started, that they had to stop going from door to door because something was coming.".
i've never heard anything like this before - have you?.
Boogster - something was coming
The operative word being, 'something.'
In Jobot land, there is always 'something' coming. Some unspecified scary thing. Oh, life is so terrible. We should be in fear all the time...something Politicians and the MSM are now using to control us.
If this is how the actual conversation went, 'something' tells you nothing.
I predict that 'something' will happen next week Tuesday afternoon. Let's pick a random event that is of negative consequences and then I can say I was right.
A stopped clock is right twice a day.
i saw a statistic the other day that something like 25% of all the debt that the us has incurred since 1776 was created in the last 12 months.
that's because they have printed so much currency and instead of letting that stop them, they are going to continue printing more to go on a spending spree on crazy green-new-deal schemes and union handouts.. does anyone think that this can be anything other than inflationary?
they are effectively stealing the wealth of everyone to then hand money out to people.
simon -
Are You Concerned About Inflation?
Most certainly feeling the pinch now. I am sceptical about the reasons for it on the basis that NO politicians have our best interests at heart. These are career scum only in it for themselves.
I need a rich widow to keep me. Any takers?
hello, i'm new here and have woken up to the real truth concerning the org.
i'm sort of fading away at the moment.... i need help with something, i used to as a child celebrate christmas and have always had amazing memories of it (my husband hasn't as he was born into the org) but i gave it up when i learnt the "truth".
my interest was only in pleasing god and still is.
Hello Samsie.
Do whatever you want as long as it causes no harm to anyone else.
You're free of the rules and regulations of an abusive controlling cult.
Celebrate that freedom. Christmas too if you want.
hi - quite the introduction, huh?
so the 'morning star' is christ himself and he has guided my thinking and studies to uncover where exactly the wtb&ts went off track, offending jehovah greatly and causing him to 'abandon his sanctuary'.
i've posted the information on reddit jwexwatchtower - please study the articles carefully and put them to the test versus scripture.
JohnRossStar - Joined 5 months ago, 1 post only.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
mine is bouzov castle in moravia.
built in the early 1300's.
it wasn't too fancy, kinda rough hewn.
the reason for my question is because one pimo has noticed that there are some pimis--particularly spimis--who have remarked that they "are not going to contact nor associate with the friends who are delinquent on zoom and/or at in-person kh meetings, conventions, and assemblies".
i've noticed this as well: a few ppimis and pimqs who were very close to me and my exdub family members are hearing from them less and less lately than before last year's rc and this year's rc.
so, is the above a thing nowadays?
I don't know about all these acronyms. I do know the governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), protect and love PIDOs
i know there was a leak a few weeks back, but this really does seem to have come out of the blue.. the anomaly was the original decision.
it clearly had no basis in law or the constitution, and was a flimsy, ridiculous ruling.
plus the whole thing was based on a fraudulent case in the first place.. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61928898.
Riley - Joined 11 days ago.
Welcome back. which troll were you when you were on here last time?
the reason for my question is because one pimo has noticed that there are some pimis--particularly spimis--who have remarked that they "are not going to contact nor associate with the friends who are delinquent on zoom and/or at in-person kh meetings, conventions, and assemblies".
i've noticed this as well: a few ppimis and pimqs who were very close to me and my exdub family members are hearing from them less and less lately than before last year's rc and this year's rc.
so, is the above a thing nowadays?
I thought the Jobots were always like that.
Nothing will have changed, just the way they continue to be tribal and snobbish.