I shouldn't think so. It's doesn't exist.
JoinedPosts by punkofnice
Is Your Name in “the Book of Life?"
by BruceX inhere are 2 reviews about the recent watchtower study article "is your name in “the book of life?':.
Who raised Jesus from the dead?
by Blotty ini have seen arguments surrounding jesus' resurrection being proof of "the trinity" - now while in some cases it's a good argument the evidence for it remains very weak.
(bible quotes are from the nwt but other bibles are referenced, use whichever you please) this following version of it is a good example.. "the bible indicates that all [persons] of the trinity was involved in jesus’ resurrection.
galatians[1:1] says that the father raised jesus from the dead.
Jeffro has hit the nail on the head as usual.
It's all fiction.
Just because people have been hoodwinked by grifters that perpetuate this fiction, doesn't mean it's true.
For a start, there is no real evidence outside of the Bible that Jesus actually existed. The Jesus character, didn't leave any writings.
Then, even if you prove there was a Jesus, you then have to prove the stories about him in the Bible were true. Then you have to prove God exists.
Don't be fooled just because a book confirms itself, or men in funny hats say it is all true. They're often on the grift if not fooled by grifters themselves!
Yes, I believed it once. However, honest questions opened my eyes. Everyone should ask themselves honest questions, even if they are uncomfortable and inconvenient.
Struggling to find a purpose
by My Name is of No Consequence ini spent most of my life in the org.
we were taught that our purpose in life was to serve jehovah.
that never really made sense to me, but it was still a purpose to keep going.
namey - . I’m now divorced, a large part of that had to do with me waking up.
Same here. The Elders told her to leave me because I was labelled 'apostate(tm)'.
I struggle too. I can no longer believe in God because I have asked honest questions. Religion to me, at least, is all fiction. Used by selfish grifters to get them money and power. They have pretended that the Bible/Quran or other pile of fiction is real, for their own ends.
So. What do I do?
I play in a fairly successful local rock band.
I research my family tree.....some surprises there, too.
I have joined a Viking re-enactment group.
It only helps a bit. Most of the time I'm lost in a gloomy world.
I know all life ends in death with no promise of an after-life (I'll find out or not after I shuffle off this mortal coil).
It's just about filling the time before that happens, with stuff.
2B or not 2B?
How are things in bethel right now?
by Hellothere inany news how things are at bethel just now?
been thinking, strange they have gb members giving speeches when they look so depressed.
but maeby there is not many others too choose from.
we may not fully understand the decision or agree with it.
....I can explain it. They want the money they would have spent so that they can protect sexual predators and buy TOMO3rd posh booze..
How things are in JW land right now?
by Hellothere inany news about how going back to kingdom halls and door to door ministry going right now?
are there many people at meetings and meetings before going out in service as congregation?.
fooly - One of my still in relatives was on zoom and was called out for having a glass of orange juice.
Still with the pious, sanctimonious bullies in the cult, I see.
they don't know love. Just self righteousness like stazi.
Boomin' idiots.
Babylon the Great
by Godlyman indo jw's still believe that babylon the great is the empire of false religion?
inquiring minds want to know .
The Babylon the great prophecy has not been fulfilled
....and it never will, because it's all fiction.
Why do people believe all this stuff?
Hoodwinked by grifters fooling people in to believing the Bible is a 'Holy book'!
Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
by Godlyman inif anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
Jeeves the Butler.
Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
by Godlyman inif anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
Tonus - if I walked up to you and told you I was the faithful and discreet slave of scripture, would you feel obligated to disprove it?
Even if I believed or didn't, I'd think anyone saying that was clearly bonkers and get away from them.
would you ask why I believe that claim and how I can show it to be true?
I'd be around the corner before you could say 'mental institution'.
Probably why I think the Governing Body(TM) (Pee be upon them) are untruthful.
Who really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave?
by Godlyman inif anyone were to come up to you claiming that they are the faithful and discreet slave, how would you go about proving them to be false, based upon scripture?.
Jeffro said it!!
........plus, I don't believe the Bible is a Holy book. Therefore, anything in it is fiction.
So, there is that.