I remember back in the 60's my father was mad that a brother in our hall had a retirement fund. My father said it is just another form of gambling and besides he is not trusting in Jehovah. Seven years ago my wife and I had to bail out my parents because they never invested anything into their retirement while the brother he was mad at back in the 60's in living comfortably instead of being a burden on his family. Totally ADD
JoinedPosts by TotallyADD
Buying Silver is Worldly
by manthedan inmy wife (no longer a jw) was at her mother's and sister house (who are jw's) and my wife told them that we have been investing in a little silver.
her sister then attacked her and said that it was "soooo worldly" that we have been buying silver and that you dont see jehovah witnesses going out buying silver........wtf!
this freak b**** who claims to be a faithful jehovah witness got a tattoo recently with her "faithful" mother's approval.
Question of the Day: Why are so very few of Jesus ACTUAL WORDS...
by Terry inwhy are so very few of jesus actual words recorded exactly?.
the new testament is almost entirely written in greek.. jesus spoke aramaic.
maybe a bit of what was called "market greek".
Thanks Terry, I love your comments and your research. I am not that smart so your research helps me understand these matters better. Totally ADD
my story....
by losecontrol inwell i am new to this, and i must admit that at first i was very opposed to this site.
i grew up being a witness and was warned about looking into apostate things, which is exactly what this site would be that they are referring to.
i always tried to live my life the best that i could under the societys control, and never really got to have any life experiance at all.
As a born-in all you know is what this cult has taught you. Your reference point is the wall the JW organization has build around you. It sounds like your wife was not a born-in. If that is the case draw from her experience on what it is like not to be a JW. Take your time with this. I know you are at a cross road and may not know which way to turn but if you think it out and take your time things will go much better for you. This is a time you will have to be more open minded on new ideas. AS a born-in myself I found Crisis of Conscience a excellent book for born-ins to read. It really helps in breaking through the wall of the JW orgaizaitions has build around you. I would not recommend going to another reglion at this point, to quick to fast you will end up in worse shape. Lady Lee brought out not to long ago that for born-ins you need time to heal. My wife and I have been at it for 3 years now for her she is healed but she was not a born-in. For me I am about half way there. It takes time allow yourself that time.
Think about this in WT world they want a answer right now. Quick to judge and quick for others to make immediate changes. When you get out of that frame work of thinking and take your time to do the proper research you will enable yourself to make the correct decision for yourself. Which will help you understand were your wife is coming from. Good commucation between both of you is essential for a healthy recovery. Take care. As everbody brought out, they truly care and feel your pain. You are not alone. Totally ADD
What proof is there that Jesus chose the Bible Students in 1919?
by VM44 inwhat proof is there that jesus inspected all the religions or the earth in 1919 and then chose the bible students?.
just because the watchtower says in its literature that they were chosen is not proof!.
One evidence they give is since 1919 Satan has not been able to touch them. That Jehovah will keep them from being destoryed. Also they like to use the growth of the organization as evidence that they are right. You can also use that same argument with other religions. Totally ADD
Finally out!
by fade_away ini've been loggin in to this site for about 3 or 4 months on an almost daily basis.
i decided to finally make an account cause i just have to vent and connect with those who have been in my shoes.
"worldly" people don't understand completely when i talk to them about the hardship of being born into a religion/cult, growing up with people making decisions for me, and having them choose my future, goals, and dreams; all the while sacrificing normal childhood joys and replacing them with study, service hours, and 5 minute talks.
Welcome fade_away. Being a born-in myself I totally understand were you are coming from. I know those in the outside world don't completely understand. But that's OK as time goes on give a little imformation at a time and they will finally get it. You are lucky being young like you are and seeing the light. Looking forward to reading your comments in the future. Totally ADD
PS It will be hard with your parents but don't give in. In the long run you will be helping them even if they don't see it that way now.
Welcome Power_of_Youth. Hope to hear your story soon. This is a great place to be. Totally ADD
"Trust the Faithful and Discreet Slave" Transcript [2010/2011 Kingdom Ministry School]
by pirata intranscript for the talk "trust the faithful and discreet slave" talk given at the kingdom ministry schools:.
trust the faithful and discreet slave.
have we ever had to meet up with somebody with whom we've not seen before?
That was the last school I will ever attend. When I heard that talk and our speaker asked the question to all the elders. Do You Believe in the FDS? Everybody started clapping their hands for over a minute. That scared me so much when I got home I told my wife about it and told her I am going to stop down as a elder. Best decision I have ever made. Totally ADD
Has anyone else tried the crazy approach to fading
by will_the_apostate induring my fade i started acting more and more bizarre (not brushing my hair, clothes that did not match, sleeping during meetings, non-sequitur answers) and i found that it really helped because most of the rank and file just thought i was bat sh*t crazy, and the elders were kind of happy not to have to deal with me.
so has anyone done something similar?.
That's funny the other day I told my wife a good way to fade would be to become very needy. Start asking for help on this project or that. They them you need money or your car is borke down you need a ride to the meetings and field service. Ask for everything. With in a month on one will want to touch you with a 10 foot pole. If they come back at you serveral months later just start asking for more help. I have seen alot of people do that not wanting to fade but just to take advanage of the congregation. No one wants to be around them. Totally ADD
Does this mean what I think it means?
by MrFreeze init's been about a month and a half since i last talked to the elders.
today i got a call from one of them.
he left me a voicemail saying he would like to have me meet with them on sunday after the meeting to discuss some things and to see if there is any way they can be of help.. i haven't been to a meeting since the end of october/beginning of november.
The last meeting with the CO which was over a year ago that I was part of. He brought out imformation from the GB which said if you someone says they don't want to be part of this orgainization anymore or are know to be apostate. Leave them alone do not chase after them or form a committee they are already DA. Maybe your congregation elders have just received that imformation. The GB does not want their elders talking to apostates. Totally ADD
2011 riots
by d inwith all the protests in egypt, syria and libya and many in europe.do you feel this becoming a great period of change is truly takinf place.i think this is good because the people are finally gaining their freedom..
Alot of it is due to rising cost of food. Totally ADD