Thanks, but I'll wait. Unfortunately, I'll probably have to sit through this to keep Mom happy.
JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
2020 Memorial Talk Outline!
by Atlantis in2020 memorial talk outline..
JWs: No Infant Baptism! (just children)
by neat blue dog inhere's a new article that came out:.
do jehovah’s witnesses baptize infants?no.
the bible does not endorse infant baptism.
And the most laughable part is that JW`s consider a baptised witness a Minister of God ? A male or female child of 10 or 12 is a Minister of god ? ~ Smiddy
But on a weekday for Field Circus, that 12 year old little boy who is a "Baptized Minister" will conduct the Field Circus Meeting for all those "lesser" women publishers who don't have a penis to qualify.
JWs: No Infant Baptism! (just children)
by neat blue dog inhere's a new article that came out:.
do jehovah’s witnesses baptize infants?no.
the bible does not endorse infant baptism.
So why does the WT discourage teen marriage? Surely if a child is old enough to make a commitment to a church that can never be nullified except under threat of losing ones family and friends they must be old enough to marry!~ FedUpJW
YES! This is the best argument ever!
At 8, 10, or 12 years old, parents don't even kids make their own decisions on how late to stay up, on whether or not to brush their teeth, or perhaps even on what or order in a fast food restaurant. But it's OK to make the "most important decision of your life"?????
How Much of the WT Teaching Did You Believe?
by Ding insome people on this forum have said that they never really believed any aspect of wt teaching, that they couldn't wait to get free of it all.. others seems to have been really gung ho, believing it all until something happened that got you questioning "the truth.".
i would say my own high water mark was about 50%, which put me squarely on the fence, trying to decide if i should be in or out.. how about you?.
If you open your dictionary to the word: GULLIBLE, you'll find my picture.
I believed it all. All the hocus pocus holy spirit and all that. Anything that didn't quite "fit", well the Big J would sort it all out before The End.
2019 Service Year Report Grand Total
by Listener inthe watchtower is thrilled with the amount baptised in the 2019 service year.
they are reporting an increase in publishers of 103,208 from the 2018 year.. this is what they have posted under global news on their website -.
2019 service year report includes largest baptismal figure in 20 yearswe are thrilled to announce that during the 2019 service year, more than 300,000 individuals were baptized as jehovah’s witnesses.
Figures Lie, and Liars Figure.
JWs: No Infant Baptism! (just children)
by neat blue dog inhere's a new article that came out:.
do jehovah’s witnesses baptize infants?no.
the bible does not endorse infant baptism.
The goal of baptism is to let them "get their hooks" into the youth so they have power over them to prevent them from leaving in the future.
10 Year Growth Chart
by HiddenPimo inhere are some visuals to help show what is going on with the jw numbers game.
i am not a numbers guy and there maybe a few errors (info directly from grand total pages on jw.borg).
Peak Pubs is a fictitious number. Every pub that didn't turn in a field report 1/2 the time is given the opportunity to "catch them up" at the end of the service year, so Peak Pubs is always that Sept total that has Joe Deadbeat reporting 2 hours every month for the 6 months he had turned in zero. Average Pubs would have been a better picture, but still this indicates JW's have a 3.5% growth rate but a 2.3% attrition rate (incl deaths and defections), with a resulting in a true increase of only 1.2% annually which is the same as the annual global population growth. IOW, the only real increase they have is that of young JW's having babies.
I'm still a bit shocked that there is ANY kind of increase when it seems JW's are leaving in droves.
I wonder too, how many are "fake" publishers or just "putting in their time" to stay "in" for family and friends?
Overlapping Generation
by pandorasbox1914 inthe september 2015 broadcast had david splane explain matthew 24:34 “truly, i say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place”.
his explanation of this scripture was by means of a chart to indicate an overlapping generation.. .
no scripture was used to show the overlapping generation concept, and as a result it makes no sense.. to illustrate how crazy this concept is, look at the lyrics of the song my generation.. my generation.
Thanks, Vanderhoven!
Good summaries!
Canadians and Europeans, what do you think of your national health care ?
by RubaDub inwe have been in a battle over health care for so long here in the us regarding public, private, gov't subsidized, obama care, medicare for all, and just about every permutation of the above.. we hear the horror stories here that people wait 20 years for a check-up (ok, bit of an exaggeration), but you get the point.
one side tells us that canadians flock across the border when they are sick and need to see a doctor.
the other side says that is simply not the case.. so tell us, if you live under one of the government systems would you replace it?
people who get a stupid-sticker always go to the back of the line
That is funny. Some with the stupid sticker would not be smart enough to know they had the sticker!
Generally Speaking Do You Support The Police?
by minimus ini know bad cops exist in many cities.
i know some cops who aren’t “bad” but do have an attitude.
however, i prefer to have law and order as opposed to chaos.
Watch the changein attitude when the cop realizes he is being recorded on video
There is no accountability for law enforcement except "internal affairs". (hahahaha -- what a joke!)