If the men on the governing body can't get this issue right, how can they be trusted with anything?
Seems that applies to most things JW (doctrines, prophecies, policies, etc).
i was listening to a radio show about a jw women who had been disfellowshiped , her daughter cut off all contact ,must admit at the time i thought so what.. then this man phoned up and explained he was disfellowshiped for asking about jws being ngo in the united nations during 90s till early 2000s when a newspaper exposed them , i still thought he's a apostate but looked it up found the article then found this forum and even more info..
If the men on the governing body can't get this issue right, how can they be trusted with anything?
Seems that applies to most things JW (doctrines, prophecies, policies, etc).
my mother is a jw.
i studied for several years and ultimately could not digest what was being served.
for the last 20 years my mother has done nothing to prepare for retirement.
You are so right!
Many, many elderly JW's end up shitouttaluck when they reach retirement age having done little or no planning because they were supposed to be in the Panda Petty Paradise by now. But the Congregation will help them -- help them apply for food stamps and Medicaid and any other free benefit that the Wicked Worldly Government will give them.
i was listening to a radio show about a jw women who had been disfellowshiped , her daughter cut off all contact ,must admit at the time i thought so what.. then this man phoned up and explained he was disfellowshiped for asking about jws being ngo in the united nations during 90s till early 2000s when a newspaper exposed them , i still thought he's a apostate but looked it up found the article then found this forum and even more info..
The overlapping generation was the final straw but there were lots of dominoes before that.
Once one starts to fall, it isn't long before the whole thing collapses.
When many of the GB are dead in 10 years.............
........there will be a new batch of younger delusional egomaniacs who sip the wine (and drink the Koolaid) to take their place. They'll be some more New Light to "explain" why Joe Hoover has allowed this old system to go on.
jw.org is on collision course with russia.
the may wt study edition is full of prophesy related to the time of the end and what we have read so much in isaiah and jeremia bookstudy publications.. they found their enemy again.
jw.org needs enemy's to exist.
The local JDubs are just falling all over themselves about this GREAT WT article. The "Brothers" have identified the King of the North. None of them old enough to recall the "Your Will Be Done" book from 1958. It said the same thing. Then WT reversed it (when USSR broke up) and said they didn't know. Now it's back to being Russia (the old USSR) because they're persecuting JWs.
You can't make this shit up.
hello all, i'm 'researching', a jw who is in the first steps of taking a look at their beliefs.. i've semi-recently (about a couple weeks ago) heard about the sexual abuse cases (pennsylvania attorney general’s investigation request) and then the arc in 2015. this lead to a deep investigation, which lead to many questions arising.
a jw friend of mine suggested i be careful (due to apostates) and ask the brothers.
so i typed up my questions + concerns and emailed an elder my mother has known for a long time.
My mother said that rejecting the Governing Body is the same as rejecting Jehovah, since he directs and guides us through them. Even if one were to believe that, they're still imperfect men.
You might remind your mother than the GB was infiltrated by an apostate (that's what they considered Ray Franz to be) so how can we not be cautious about them as it could happen again.
one of my favorite actors is robert de niro.
some of his later movies were so so but overall i think he was outstanding.
meryl streep, i just never thought she was anything exciting yet people say she’s the best actress of all time.
Keanu Reeves -- Overrated but reportedly highest compensated.
I'm surprised Dustin Hoffman hasn't been mentioned. Vastly different roles. Tootsie and Rainman as examples.
Also, Kevin Spacey. Great in House of Cards. (Too bad he had an attraction for young boys.)
Actresses -- Loved Meg Ryan (although she always played the same character).
Robin Wright -- Clair Underwood (House of Cards) and the adult Jenny in Forrest Gump,
And as mentioned, Tom Hanks
i haven’t posted in awhile.
my wife asked me after the year 2000 came and went without fanfare(because the wt organization said all the “new world” would be here within this 20th century would end), “ what would it take for you to leave the truth?”.
my reply was “ if i turn 60 in this “system of things”.
You lucky bugger, you!
(I've seen your pics posted!)
i haven’t seen her posting lately, is she all right?
i miss her insight..
Have fun Blondie!
Miss you here!
i found a pamphlet in one of my old bound vol.
a 1969 awake, that had a pamphlet from a senator who gave a speech on the hoxsey cure.
i know of several jws who went to mexico and got this treatment.
I also know of several who traveled to Tijuana for this "treatment" and I'm anxious to hear the stories of others. If you feel posting will identify you, please PM me.