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JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
Mind Numbing
by FedUpJW inreceived another email forward.
the doom-n-gloomers are sooo loving.
sending out cc: bulk emails with cut and paste government programs to "lovingly" help the "friends".
How do you think this covid-19/corona virus pandemic will affect the way J.W.'s view shunning?
by StoneWall inwe all know that the watchtower (jehovah's witnesses) say the reason for disfellowshipping is to protect the congregation from some uncleanness or they "quarantine" (shun) those they perceive can spread information that does not agree fully with their teachings/'s almost like they want to liken it to a real disease by calling opposers "mentally diseased", "threat" etc.
will the current state of affairs in the world regarding this pandemic strengthen their cause/argument in favor of isolating within their ranks?
i can visualize them in the near future even having parts at the hall or assemblies pointing back to this pandemic and saying something along the lines of "brothers what do you think would happen if we would not have quarantined and stayed away from any that were infected?
It's a loving provision from Joe Hoover.
Coronavirus Positive
by snare&racket inhey all,.
i'm day six of isolation, confirmed to have coronavirus.
i have been seeing very sick cv positive patients over the last month in my a&e role (emergency physician) it was inevitable i would contract it.. just wanted to give some symptom and treatment advice, it's anecdotal but may help.. started as sore throat and headache, then croaky voice, then dry cough, then episodic transient fevers, all this over the first few days.
Yes, Snare, please update!
Is this video about U.S. hospitals really true?
by The Fall Guy inthe reason i ask is that i got a call from a friend last week who had to go to one of the biggest hospitals in scotland because of an eye injury.. he said there wasn't one other single person seeking medical attention when he walked in - only medical staff standing around with nothing to do.
i was astounded, given the media reports..
Hospitals that are not in areas of "hot spots" are empty. Staff is being laid off or being kept "on duty" but doing little to nothing because all elective treatment has been cancelled. They are "waiting' on the epidemic to "kick in" there. If this "social distancing" works, hopefully they will continue to be bored.
Governor Cuomo - Does He Have a Flash Drive Plugged into His Head?
by RubaDub inlike the guy or not, i don't know how this guy can talk so much, giving fact after fact and analyze what is going on, not just in new york but across the country.
he's not reading from notes and there are no teleprompters.
he gives about an hour to an hour and a half at press conferences every day and fox news carries it.. i mean, as i am listening, he's saying they moved 802 ventilators from this state to that state, 412 came here to new york .... on and on.
Most politicians have stepped up to the plate pretty well, but there are some who have been far too slow to take the virus seriously.
Yes! Compare Cuomo to the Halfwit from Michigan.
Any official stand from JW.ORG on vaping for medical reasons?
by JimmyYoung infor that matter using marijuana without taking it into your lungs but by drops, edibles.
i have never heard definitively what their view of mm is.
STIR CRAZY please help me covid-19 with religious family
by Wagurl inhi need some help with the teachings regarding the 4type horsemen and the virus.
i'm 17 going to be 18 in six months.
i am a running start student and trying to find the best way to move out after i graduate next year to continue.
Lots of great advice and direction. The best advise IMO -- "there is no emergency here". Wait and see..."
I realize you want to "wrap this up" and have some kind of closure and move on. That may never happen for you and you stated the reason: "Do you ever get to the point where you don't hear there teachings in the background of your mind?" Sadly, probably not. For me at least, I still think of JW spin, even if it's in a negative connotation, when things happen. (ie, "I can't believe I ever believed that bullshit!) -- So, chill it for a spell. DO NOT STOP YOUR EDUCATION! But don't become an anti-JW activist. Don't be a martyr. It's OK to live a double life for awhile. (I don't mean morally. I mean PIMO -- Physically In Mentally Out.)
I didn't see where you mentioned your status -- baptized or not. Big difference! If you are NOT yet dunked -- DON"T DO IT! If you are, you must walk on eggshells if you do not want to risk being DFd and "losing" friends and perhaps even family.
As a point of reason (JW style), there are "many things" that must yet take place before the GT. All the "Kings of the Earth" (government) " is supposed to first attack false religion. Hasn't happened. (Fundamentalist church goers are Trump's base.) There is to be the call for "peace and security". Hasn't happened. (US and China entering a worsening trade war over COVID19 issues.)
I was personally in the exact same position at your age. It was when the May 22, 1969 Awake! magazine (please Google that) was released. To summarize, it said a person my (your) age could not complete college. THE GREAT TRIBULATION IS NEAR! Well, dear, it didn't happen then and it's not going to happen now. Sadly I wasted another 30+ years entangled in a Cult. Please don't repeat my mistake.
Good luck! Check in with us often. We want to help!
My ExElder Best Friend Has Coronavirus
by minimus inthis has been a horrible month.
my best friend’s wife just called to tell me that my friend had to be hospitalized due to severe coronavirus complications.
he has severe pneumonia, is put on a ventilator and is in a coma .
they have been isolating themselves in their home for the past month except for occasional food shopping. ~ Minimus
THAT is what is scary!
I can say that I have been doing same -- mindful of "social distancing" while shopping -- and thinking I am completely safe.
Need help - How do you determine whether to show a JW the truth or not?
by AlainAlam inhow do you determine whether to show a jw the truth or not?.
now some of you still believe in the bible.
to you the answer would be obvious - we preach to anyone as much as possible.
Don't do it except one on one that way you can deny deny deny.` Jimmy
One-on-one with two different persons qualifies as "two witnesses" against you in your Judicial Committee.
"They will put you out of the synagogue; in fact, the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think they are offering a service to God". ` John 16:2
Plasma Based treatment for Covid 19 ?
by BluesBrother in
i have heard of this , transfusing plasma from recovered covid 19 patients to give the recipients the antibodies to fight it off .
great !
When the Governments pressure JW's to accept the treatment, this will be seen as persecution -- WOE IS ME! ARMAGEDDON IS NEAR!