Lots of great advice and direction. The best advise IMO -- "there is no emergency here". Wait and see..."
I realize you want to "wrap this up" and have some kind of closure and move on. That may never happen for you and you stated the reason: "Do you ever get to the point where you don't hear there teachings in the background of your mind?" Sadly, probably not. For me at least, I still think of JW spin, even if it's in a negative connotation, when things happen. (ie, "I can't believe I ever believed that bullshit!) -- So, chill it for a spell. DO NOT STOP YOUR EDUCATION! But don't become an anti-JW activist. Don't be a martyr. It's OK to live a double life for awhile. (I don't mean morally. I mean PIMO -- Physically In Mentally Out.)
I didn't see where you mentioned your status -- baptized or not. Big difference! If you are NOT yet dunked -- DON"T DO IT! If you are, you must walk on eggshells if you do not want to risk being DFd and "losing" friends and perhaps even family.
As a point of reason (JW style), there are "many things" that must yet take place before the GT. All the "Kings of the Earth" (government) " is supposed to first attack false religion. Hasn't happened. (Fundamentalist church goers are Trump's base.) There is to be the call for "peace and security". Hasn't happened. (US and China entering a worsening trade war over COVID19 issues.)
I was personally in the exact same position at your age. It was when the May 22, 1969 Awake! magazine (please Google that) was released. To summarize, it said a person my (your) age could not complete college. THE GREAT TRIBULATION IS NEAR! Well, dear, it didn't happen then and it's not going to happen now. Sadly I wasted another 30+ years entangled in a Cult. Please don't repeat my mistake.
Good luck! Check in with us often. We want to help!