You know that feeling you have in your gut when you learned you have been conned for years by the WT Borg? For me it was, How could I be so gullible? or How could I be so blind? Why did I give so much of my time, assets, and "blood" for this Cult? I think probably everyone here knows of what I speak.
I wonder if it isn't the same with the folks still carrying on about LE? Did he dupe so many and "abuse" so many, and they just cannot "let it go"? Did he "cut" them so deeply that it's a really long healing process?
I never got on the LE train because he was such a "windbag". He could always ramble on for 2 hours over any issue that could have been explained/exposed/beaten-to-death in 10 minutes. Guess I was lucky. (I mean fortunate.)