There's more "out" than still "in." ~ Wing Commander
I believe that is true now! I am constantly hearing that so-and-so is "out" or "not attending".
following on from the rebekah vardy tv programme last week, dr heather ransom's story is in the daily mail..
There's more "out" than still "in." ~ Wing Commander
I believe that is true now! I am constantly hearing that so-and-so is "out" or "not attending".
i came across a thread on a site for neighbours, which includes quite a wide area really, many square miles containing a lot of villages, and a couple of towns.
it is so we can swap unwanted goods, inform each other of local crimes and scams etc, and we can vent.. there was a post that said the lady did not want this crap coming through her door, a letter and a tract from a j.w.
i won't post the thread here , as at least one xjw is on there, but all the comments below her post were anti-jw !
I do not find that surprising. People are constantly harassed by unwanted solicitations, though here it is mostly unwanted phone calls from "robots". Being on the "Do Not Call" list has no affect. We receive many solicitations by a card placed on our door knob or stuck in the door (kinda like JW tracts), but almost no one actually knocks any more. For one thing, I think most are smart enough to have come to the conclusion that no one is at home in at most residences during the day. At least the letters are easy to toss into the "round file" and typically they look so unprofessional (hand written, by kids who are "pioneering"). I think the heydays are over for WT.
yesterday, my dad told me an older sister passed away.
she wasn't too old (in her 60s), but i knew her 30 years ago and haven't seen her in 15 years; the main reason being that i faded 10 years ago.. yesterday, i seriously considered attending the funeral and catch-up with old jws i used to know.
after thinking it over, i decided against it.
Many older ones here, for whom we had great respect have passed.
Word is they are getting their reward in Paradise via "the underground".
So sad that they wasted 30 or 40 or 50 or more years clinging to an empty hope.
for a christian, only the moral commandments of the old testament are binding (as they cannot change), but the various liturgical, social, and other so-called casuistic laws no longer apply to them.
this includes dietary habits, such as the prohibition of pork or fat, as well as the prohibition of blood.. take a look at the following verses: mt 15:11, mk 7:15-19, acts 11:7-9, 1 tim 4:3-5.. the jehovah's witnesses say that, yes, but in the acts of the apostles (15) the consumption of blood, idol meat, and strangled animals is also prohibited, meaning the new testament still forbids it.
for catholics, the council of florence settled this issue, stating that this apostolic regulation was only a temporary measure to facilitate agreement between jews and gentiles in the early church.
Sorry. I can no longer GAS.
there were several times when i was inside the congregation that i met up with a problem in my life and on mentioning it at a group i would be told to do my own research about it.. of course, they didn't mean for me to research worldly material for the answer but to use the wt indexes and look into the wt society magazines.. it was only when i started to do my own research outside of the wt that i began to see the limited scope of the society's magazines as all problems usually fell into the category of 1. read the bible, attend meetings, go out on the work, and pray; or 2. this isn't going to be fixed now but in the new world god will sort it out and the former things (what you are suffering from now) will not be called to mind.. i wonder how many people still in are struggling and are not being encouraged to research away from the organisation where they would receive practical and valuable advice?.
I recall "researching" the 1995 generation change. I had about 40 WT publications stacked up on my desk. Of course, I finally determined that it "made sense". That decision cost me another 15 years of my life. I did NOT do that with the change to "overlapping generations". In fact, I did not even need to "research" that. It was so clearly Bullshit that I couldn't even get past the smell.
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
ponder on these imponderables for a minute....... .
1. if you take an oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?.
2. if people from poland are called poles, why aren't people from holland called holes?.
Some great pontification there Stan.
Seems maybe you're little board?
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I no longer see this announcement in JW News.
Can it still be found elsewhere on JW(dot)Org?
is this the "great tribulation" which jesus warned he would bring upon the corrupt christian congregations worldwide, (revelation 2:22; 7:14) or is it the same 1st century g.t.
which he said would never occur again?
(matthew 24:21).
please add or correct the following written by helge kare fauskanger.
"for starters, imagine a distinctly insular form of protestant fundamentalism minus the trinity (god and jesus are held to be separate beings, and the holy spirit is god's active power rather than a person).
note: since the witnesses want to think of their faith as something absolutely unique, they themselves will not agree that they are either protestant or fundamentalist.. * very important to call god by his proper name of jehovah, and as noted, you must not get him mixed up with jesus.
No need to personally ask an active JW. They don’t know what they believe.
can watchtower really continue with cart preaching?
it has become like zoom.
we're people attending zoom not wanting attend halls.
It's just "busy work", as is the door-to-door ministry. At least the cart work doesn't aggravate the community as much since people can just ignore them (which is all the better as far as the witnesses sitting there is concerned).
And do not forget all the letter writing that's going on. Painfully slow and often illegible, I suspect, hand written letters that are quickly tossed by recipients.
I'm fairly certain the GB (and the entire Borg) is currently "on hold" counting on Armageddon to bail them out.......soon. Very soon.