If you once were fully PIMI and truly believed JW doctrine to the core like I once did, when you come to the reality that it is not the truth at all it can be extremely devastating.
I think only other ex JWs could ever understand. I wasted my entire life I thought the real life was yet to come to wasted the best years knocking on doors. Now I’m so angry.
Yes, it is indeed "devastating". A gut punch. When you wake up it's like learning your mate has been cheating on you for years, and telling lie after lie after lie.
Anger! Yes, after the dust settled and I got over the shock of it all, I too was ANGRY! Angry that those bastards misled me (and my parents, grandparents, etc) for decades. And YES! at some level up there in NY somebody at or near "the top" knows this!!! I buy into the idea that many of the Top WT Dogs are "captives" too -- that they really really believe it all and can't see through the shit because their head is up their A$$. BUT, the writers who twisted quotes and told outright lies to give convincing arguments on the BS doctrines MUST KNOW. Plus, someone higher approved all this deceitfulness. (Can you say LIES?)
And then I found myself angry at myself. I'd like to think I'm a pretty smart guy. You know -- like Yogi, smarter than the average bear. SO how did I buy into the whole BS scam of it all? I had householders warn me. (HA! what did they know!) I had friends question it all. (Let 'em die if they don't "get it"!) I HAD DOUBTS! Yeah, I had doubts years before I opened my eyes wide enough to see it all. I actually convinced myself that the 1995 generation change made sense. (OMG) I researched it deeply. Using WT publications, of course. (I have no idea why the text changed.)
My wife and I are old. We can "start over" but we really don't have the time left to make "life-long friends" as most of our life has passed us by already. But thankfully our children got out. They saw TTATT even before we did. They didn't flaunt it or ridicule us. But by the time they were out of college (see there, I didn't go along with their higher education crap), and on their own, they were done with it. They had their own new network of friends. They aren't ex-JWS. They have moved on to Ex ex-JWs. Interestingly enough, they often discover one of their former JW friends is now also an ex-JW. I guess they are "millennials". WT has lost the majority of their generation.
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!