Not only is it OK to rant here, it is one of the few places that you'll find anyone that understands what you are going through and dealing with. Non-JWs have no comprehension of how retaliatory JWs are to anyone who just chooses to leave their little high-control group.
"Don't go away mad. Just go away" is NOT the JW exit line. If you decide to "go away" they want you to go away crushed, beaten down, and miserable.
Hanging up on the millionaire aunt and basically "shunning" her might not have been the greatest financial decision to make as a potential heir. Doubtful you could successfully challenge the new will as you will have two "Christian" witnesses (in the legal sense) that will testify that it was her wish and intent to change it to exclude you. Hope that there is enough "righteous indignation" you have from taking your stand that compensates for the loss of $1 million.
Finally, the issue of new (real) friends. That's probably the toughest thing about walking away. As a JW you have almost unlimited, instant friends. Of course, as you have discovered they are "conditional" friends. And making new (real) friends really doesn't happen that easily. It will prove to be more difficult even in other church groups but that might be a place to start, although that opens you to being officially "removed" as a JW for "apostacy. If you wish to remain "inactive" vs "removed" (the new term for DF), you may have to consider that issue.
Good luck!
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
(BTW - you might want to consider paragraphs in your next lengthy post.)