Of course some have "different" beliefs or they would never have "New Light", however they are forced to "discover" New Light only when the "Old Light" is proven to be so incorrect, ie, 1914 generation will not die. Well guess what? They are ALL dead. It didn't take rocket science to discern that. The JW GB was FORCED to come up with some New Light Bullshit to explain away the error of the Old 1914 doctrine.
Further, you know there are "different" beliefs because when 1 or 2 GB members die, that is when the New Light hits the scene. The dead member was a hold out from them reaching their 2/3 majority in voting in New Light doctrines.
It seem clear that they are running the JW religion on a reactionary game plan. There are NO prophecies or doctrinal changes that are truly "prophesy". It's all "after-the-fact" reactionary changes that are, at best, "temporary fixes".
Yet, most of the JoHo's just smile and nod their head with that "deer in the headlight" look when there is such New Light. The Borganization is SOO wonderful!