I cannot sympathise any longer with intelligent adults who allow themselves to be mentally abused by these charlatans. -- cofty
Anyone who has not awakened to TTATT
simply does NOT WANT TO KNOW!
a change to their doctrine came from jackson.
this isn't a transcript of his whole speech but i thought i would try and get some of his main speech in writing.. at around 1hr26 minutes he starts talking about some dangerous thinking in feeling there is some wiggle room in regards to the schedule for the gt.
but you see, we need to be careful about what we are thinking about the number of anointed ones left on earth.
I cannot sympathise any longer with intelligent adults who allow themselves to be mentally abused by these charlatans. -- cofty
Anyone who has not awakened to TTATT
simply does NOT WANT TO KNOW!
these new appointments are troubling, to say the least, especially considering the factors surrounding their selection.
these appointments raise key concerns about leadership, experience, and what is happening behind the scenes at the organization's headquarters.
. . . . . but with everything we are witnessing taking place on the world scene we CAN BE CERTAIN that The End™ is very, very, soon. We are surely™ living in the final seconds of the final minute of the last day of The Last Days™.
Why do they call them The Last Days?
Because they last, and they last, and they last, and . . . . .
i am writing to ask if anyone cares to share their experience and/or offer advice for people leaving.
i was raised in the religion, and both my parents died when i was very young.
i recently stopped associating because my conscience no longer allows me to preach or support the organization.
I'm sure everyone here can recommend a book that helped them.
Crisis of Conscience (Ray Franz), of course.
I also strongly encourage reading Combating Cult Mind Control (Steven Hassan). I put it off and once I started it I couldn't put it down. He writes about his experience with the Moonies, but it proved to me that JWs are like the Poster Child for a Cult. JWs "check the box" on every single criteria for a Cult. It is impossible to pretend it's coincidence. The "mind control", "information control", etc.
Let's review! It's a Cult!
Edited to add: The point above about making new friends and a new network is right on. That is NOT an easy task. As a JW you think it's just an automatic thing. Everyone loves you. Everyone is your friend. That's not how it works in the "real world". But if you give people a chance, they will do the same.
Another ---
can i call you friends, i think so after 23 years posting here.
i am dismayed how jwn is being "dominated" or taken over by a few posters, peppering the comments.
in the past, the admin did not approve of this and did remove some posters from jwn.
FTM -- don't go away mad.
Just go away!
someone is pressing me about blood fractions on an unrelated thread, so i just moved the topic to an appropriate location.. "the point for me in every thread you touch is your sickening dishonesty and nauseating apologies for the old men in brooklyn who tell you what to do.. they have told you that products made from blood don't use blood, and you are so corrupt and gullible you just accept it.".
i accept any bible-based religion that adheres to the bible as its authority.. the purpose of this magazine, the watchtower, is to honor jehovah god, the supreme ruler of the universe.
just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world events in the light of bible prophecies.
I thought there was going to be new light on blood at this AGM?
Seems to me the blood transfusion issue has been added to the WT's "Don't ask. Don't tell." list.
If it becomes known that an active (adult) JW has accepted a blood transfusion, said "sinner" need only repent that it was done in a "weakened" state of fear and anxiety and that they would NEVER do such a thing again (or at least not until they needed another transfusion to survive).
i've been meaning to share some recent experiences that defy the usual tropes about the 'world gone to hell' or 'people now days".. as some of you may remember i was seriously ill for a while and had to close my business and shop.
now, as it seems i have beaten it, i put up a sign again advertising that in a limited way i'm back.. what amazes me is how many times over the past 2 years customers and even competition have written and called to express their concern and best wishes.
just last week i had a personal visit of someone who i thought of as a rival, come in and shake my hand sincerely happy to see me up and around.
Hard to imagine all of those kind words and gestures (as well as all of the ones just posted here) coming from wicked "worldly" people, let alone "apostates"!
If the images above violate the privacy of any individual
I would say THEY made them public. Not you.
these new appointments are troubling, to say the least, especially considering the factors surrounding their selection.
these appointments raise key concerns about leadership, experience, and what is happening behind the scenes at the organization's headquarters.
As best as I can recall, not all that long ago WT published the statement that all (or at least most) of all the "newly anointed" members we either confused about leaving behind their old "everyone goes to heaven" thinking from Christendom OR, they were likely mentally ill.
From what I can see and hear from newly appointed GB members, they definitely fit into the latter description or explanation.
Or, in other words: they're effing crazy!
can i call you friends, i think so after 23 years posting here.
i am dismayed how jwn is being "dominated" or taken over by a few posters, peppering the comments.
in the past, the admin did not approve of this and did remove some posters from jwn.
Speaking most definitely for myself, and I suspect many others here, I very much appreciate all you do to maintain this site and this community of friends.