My previous response to you was the first time I have ever corrected someone's grammar on-line so I hardly think I qualify as a grammar cop. And if I do not have any reason to disagree with your 'argument' does that automatically mean I am just a “pedant and grammar cop”?
Regardless (I should say 'irregardless' for your amusement), I do disagree with your 'argument' (which seems more like a statement).
If I am correctly interpreting your post you are asserting that Raging Bull is one of the “unfortunate children who is a victim of our fucked up educational system that does not teach our children even the basics of grammar or thought.”
But it is not his fault he has no concept of the basics of grammar or thought: “It is the fault of our system which has lost its way in teaching our children to think and speak.” “"Raging Bull" is just a victim” “It is not Raging Bull's fault.”
You also do not mean to offend him for saying he doesn't have the skills of grammar or thought at even a basic level: “Raging Bull: I mean you no harm.”
And you provide a solution to his inadequate education: “Educate yourself independently. Trust me. It will be the best thing you ever did.”
Now, I agree independent self-education is definitely good. But it seems to me a synopsized version of what you are saying is this: 'Raging Bull, you have bad grammar. I'll explain this off topic opinion to you through an even further off topic rant about our educational system. They made you this dumb. But if you educate yourself, like I did, then you can fix the problem of poor grammar and have even worse grammar!'
Another reason I 'attacked' your 'argument' is that it incredibly violates posting guidelines three and ten. On top of blatantly breaking those rules you broke rule one in your response to me by asking if “just being a pedant and grammar cop” was good enough for me. I don't feel insulted, however, I do think calling someone that IS insulting.
Also, a further reason for why I 'attacked your argument' is all of your statements about the educational system have no proof. If you can prove the following statements I'll agree with you:
“our fucked up educational system that does not teach our children even the basics of grammar or thought.”
“It is the fault of our system which has lost its way in teaching our children to think and speak.”
“our system won't and will not educate you.”
“Our educational system just wants to keep in power and their unspoken message is "FUCK the children.”
“ We just want to keep our jobs, and if keeping our jobs means FUCK the children, then FUCK the children, for emphasis: then FUCK the children.”
“I have to pay my mortgage and to do that, if if means FUCK our children, then FUCK our children. After all, I have a mortgage to pay and I work for the School Board."
“the teacher's unions (who don't represent the teachers, but only represent the union bosses who run the unions and make 5 times as much money as the teachers they claim to represent, but couldn't teach shit if they had to)”
Who said those statements you quoted by the way? Or was using quotes just another grammar mistake due to your self-education?