Topics Started by AiAi
Perhaps some helpful advice. My rant on the JW mindset.
by garyneal inpride and prejudice abound in the watchtower religion.. i go to the assemblies and it becomes very clear that the speakers are so proud of the fact that their religion is the one true religion and that they are so much better than the other churches out there.
the amount of pride i heard coming from the platform is astounding.
astounding still is the fact that they cannot see it themselves and at one point in time, i could not see it either.
Does this mean what I think it means?
by MrFreeze init's been about a month and a half since i last talked to the elders.
today i got a call from one of them.
he left me a voicemail saying he would like to have me meet with them on sunday after the meeting to discuss some things and to see if there is any way they can be of help.. i haven't been to a meeting since the end of october/beginning of november.
Why does God permit suffering? Don't let others answer this question for you
by sabastious inwasn't the answer to this question wrapped up in a neat little package when you were young?
it was easily explainable and it made you feel so warm inside that you knew that god felt passionately bad about the suffering and that it was going to stop.. there is so much pain in this world.
people are starving, people are being torchered by others who have lost their minds, there is endless suffering on this planet.
looky looky - A 'real' J-dub forum! (are they becoming normal???)
by Reality79 inso did the 'da society' give these dub internet savvies permission to start a forum?
because last i checked, the ole boys in their oversized brooklyn bunker didn't want their members on the internet unless it was to view their own official websites.
i thought maybe it was an apostate forum until i read their long winded, typically condescending jdub style membership guidelines:.
Was Jesus' sacrifice really necessary? Or even a sacrifice at all?
by AiAi indoes it make sense that after adam ate of the fruit god would condemn all of mankind until jesus sacrificed himself?
does 1 perfect person's sin really equal 1 perfect person's sacrifice plus billions of imperfect peoples death and suffering?.
jesus' sacrifice to save mankind really was not a sacrifice at all if he knew he would be raised up after 3 days.. .
30th Anniversary of the Free Minds Journal
by Dogpatch in30th anniversary of the free minds journal.
sunday, 13 march 2011 22:09well my friend chaton and i just finished sealing the last envelope of the 30th anniversary issue of the free minds journal.
i guess it must be one of the longest cult-related journals running.
Help w/ Bible Teach ch 9 section "Major Developments of the Last Days"
by InterestedOne ini'm in ch 9 in my study, and we will go over the section "major developments of the last days" (pars 6-9) next week.
although i don't see anything special in pars 7-9, i think par 6 allows the jw's to strike a chord with people, and i was wondering if anyone could help me with how to respond to it.
they are able to quote real figures in that paragraph such as "three times as many people fell victim to war in [the 20th] century as in all the wars from the first century ad to 1899.".
On Jerkhovas Witlesses, Kingdumb Hells, Filthful & Discreet Slavebugger and Pio-sneering . .
by nicolaou ini detest this type of posting.
it's only my opinion of course and so long as forum rules aren't breached we're all free to express ourselves as we see fit.
doesn't mean i have to like it though.. honestly, can't you make your point without this kind of infantile name calling?
The Parable of the Net
by jakeyen inthis is my first post.
im reading a lot of good stuff in here, like the ones from special mention yknot, fokyc, marcusscriptus, brotherdan, td, and some of the funny stuff from lars the annointed.
well this lead me to reread the gospel account.. .
Please help!! My friend is now a return visit / doorstep study!
by AiAi ini have a friend that is a youth minister for a local church.
he has a very good understanding of scripture and we frequently have interesting discussions.
we have talked about jw beliefs before and he is always surprised to find that they can really believe what they do.