But why are they covering it up? why will they not hand over those names to appropriate authorities? What is it they have to lose by giving them over? that's the bit I cant get my head around. Look the way I see it is that if the governments suddenly asked for all the homosexual (who we know after listening to A Morris comments would be D) they would have no problem handing them over, or what about druggies or adulteries. If you look at every other perceived indiscretion there is no secrecy. I mean everyone knows who screwed who, who smoked a fag, who watched a porn sooner or later everyone knows but not child molesting WHY? WHY? WHY?. They are hiding something else here. One of three possibilities 1) They just are so f...king righteous that they don't believe they have to answer to anyone, not even Jesus as far as I see, & they can say say how the governments are turning on us, the end is nigh. 2) The list is made up mostly of high ranking JWs, or related to high ranking jw's, cause if it was made up of the so called spiritually weak they would gladly throw them in the pit. or 3) They are part of a world wide Pedo ring. Seriously there is something being missed, something lying under the surface that is more sinister than we know. How can there not be.